Although most of the audience didn't hear whether Xu Qing took a breath or not,

but some people who understand music also noticed it!

There is no way. If only professional music critics like Liang Yuan could notice it at the beginning,

but the problem is that Xu Qing didn't take a breath until the chorus,

that's too scary and obvious!


"Did you notice it?!"

"What did you notice? Xu Qing is singing a new song again? Isn't this something you know as soon as the prelude comes out?"

"Not that, I mean... he hasn't taken a breath until now!"

"What? No breath? Impossible?"


Hearing the surprised voices of some of the audience around, others looked at Xu Qing on the stage at the same time.

How could he sing without taking a breath?

Did he die on the stage?

It's impossible!

Seeing Xu Qing on the stage, he even had a smile on his face, and under the stage lights, he looked radiant!

It doesn't look like there is anything wrong or uncomfortable at all!

They were a little confused. Could it be that...

Originally, as the majority of live audiences, almost no one would actively listen to the singers' breathing when singing.

After all, as long as this thing is not too outrageous...

Especially now that there is a set of scientific singing breathing tutorials,

The singers in the inner fish are all about the same, so few people will pay attention!

Now hearing the surprise of the people around them, they can't help but seriously shift their attention!

They really don't believe that there are really people who can sing without breathing? !

Is that fucking still a human being?


【I know】

【I am too rich, because love satisfies everything】

【You have used your heart to patch up every hole in my life】

【Right now】

【From this moment on, I want to hold you in my arms】

【Give you double the tenderness and sing a special love song for you】

【Please listen to me, I am looking at the distant mountains】

【But I missed the turning intersection, and suddenly looked back】

【Only then did I realize that you were waiting for me and never left】


Xu Qing's singing voice is still the same, it is simply an impeccable and perfect performance!

The audience who were listening carefully in the audience were all stunned, and even their mouths were wide open!

This is fucking...

Xu Qing seems to have not breathed!

They felt that there was something wrong with their eyes and ears, but seeing the same look in the eyes of the people around them, it seemed that this was true!


How is this possible? !

Is there really a monster in this world who doesn't need to breathe when singing? !

In an instant, at the Kyoto Bird's Nest concert,

nearly 100,000 spectators were all excited!

In their opinion, this was simply an incredible thing!

It was even impossible to imagine what kind of singer could sing a song without taking a breath?

And... it was because Xu Qing didn't take a breath that the song "Never Left" sounded so good?

If that's the case, then doesn't this new song not belong to ordinary people, no...

Or 100% of singers can't sing it?

After all, which serious singer sings without taking a breath?

Wouldn't that make him a sea turtle?

But even sea turtles have their limits of endurance!

Xu Qing, a Ninja Turtle, right? !


【I looked at the distant mountains】

【But missed the turn】

【Looking back suddenly】

【I realized that you were waiting for me and never left】

【I looked for the end of the sea】

【But ignored the winding river】

【When I was rowing against the current】

【You pushed me on my left and right】


At the concert, as Xu Qing continued to sing, he sang the chorus of "Never Left" again.

The fans and audiences in the audience finally confirmed and affirmed it!

Xu Qing... he sang this song... He really didn't breathe!

Even more terrifying is...

Not only did Xu Qing not breathe, but he also sang the last sentence of this chorus.

When he sang the lyrics "You pushed me on my left and right", he even sang a high note!

And when he sang the last word "walk"...

Xu Qing actually showed off his ending skills again!

While dragging the tail, he even added vibrato!


Xu Qing on the stage completed each of these singing techniques very easily and casually!

His calm expression seemed to say [What's the big deal?] [Can't anyone do this?] [It's just basic exercises!]


Faced with Xu Qing's so-called basic exercises,Liang Yuan has begun to doubt his life!

After all, he has been engaged in the music industry for so many years!

He has even been studying it since college!


Xu Qing's stage performance can be said to have completely overturned his cognition!

How can someone sing without taking a breath?

How can someone not only not take a breath but also find time to sing high notes?

How can someone find time to sing high notes and drag the sound at the same time?

Especially... it's okay for you to drag the sound, but what's the matter with the vibrato at the end? !

Please be a human being, Xu Qing!

If you continue like this, how can other singers in Neiyu make a living?

How can we music critics comment on music? !

So far, Liang Yuan has never seen a singer who doesn't need to breathe when singing!

Xu Qing, he is so fucking outrageous!

Even when Liang Yuan stopped seriously along the way to sing "Never Left",

he was always looking forward to it, Xu Qing, you take a breath!

Before Xu Qing took a breath, he didn't even dare to breathe!

But as Xu Qing finished singing one sentence after another,

That really didn't give Liang Yuan a chance to breathe!

Before Xu Qing took a breath, he almost suffocated to death!

This is a professional singer?

It's Xu Qing who is singing on the stage, right?

He was just standing in the audience listening to the song, why is it that he can't hold his breath first? !

Monster... Pure music monster!

This reminded Liang Yuan that Xu Qing was like a "numerical monster" in the game that was inexplicably strengthened by the designer!

Yes, that's right, only the name of numerical monster can express his amazing performance!

However, before Liang Yuan was surprised, Xu Qing on the stage suddenly smiled in his direction!

At this moment, before Liang Yuan could react, Xu Qing on the stage actually started to sing high notes again!

[Happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy bind me]

[Nothing counts anymore, baby]

[Let my world revolve around you]

[When I am happy, you are happy]

[When I am sad, you are sad]


? ? ?

Liang Yuan’s brain was already exploding at this moment!

He couldn’t even think for a short time!

Xu Qing’s performance could not be evaluated by his music theory knowledge at all!

This sudden high note was like the sound of nature!

It went straight through Liang Yuan’s head and reached the depths of his soul!

He only felt his scalp tingling and his back was chilled!

Why? !

Xu Qing didn’t take a breath, which was incredible!

As a result, his range of voice became higher and higher? !

Just when everyone was expecting him to take a breath, Xu Qing even sang a high note? !

Unacceptable, totally unacceptable!

As a singer who has been in the industry for so many years, he can't accept what's happening now!

"What the hell is this "Never Left"?"

"Change the name to "Never Breathed"!"

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