At this moment, the audience at the Kyoto Bird's Nest concert were all stunned and in disbelief.

Especially people like Liang Yuan who understand music, they simply couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

They were completely shocked by Xu Qing's operation!

Damn, you can sing high notes...

Why is the high note still gradual when singing this sentence [Sadness, you are sad]? !

Even the high note here is obviously much higher than the previous sentence [You push me around] when walking!

Can this make Liang Yuan calm down?

To be honest, let alone ordinary people, these professional music critics have never heard singers sing like this!

Generally speaking, when singers sing high-note songs, they will put the high notes in the chorus.

The infinite foreshadowing in the front is to make the high notes infinitely superb...

Then after the chorus, the range will be lowered again.

But what about Xu Qing?

Damn, when singing the chorus of "Never Left", he was also singing high notes.

But the problem is that after the chorus, he never sang the high notes!!!

Instead, each note was higher than the last one!

You say Xu Qing has already sung "Stars", and he has sung such high notes, what is this?

But the premise is that Xu Qing has never taken a breath while singing so far!

Isn't this simply superman?

If it were not for the law, Liang Yuan would now want to take Xu Qing to do a human dissection surgery,

to see what the difference is between his voice and that of ordinary people? !

As a professional music critic, any singer, even those national singers,

when singing high notes, can capture the tiny details of breathing!

But with Xu Qing?


Absolutely not! ! !

Whether it is at the beginning of the song or the high notes before the chorus,

he has never had any breathing sounds.


How can they not feel incredible, or even unconsciously feel a sense of fear!

Maybe Xu Qing is an alien creature?

The purpose of his concert on Blue Star is just to prevent Wang Feng from being on the hot search?

Is Wang Feng also an alien? !

Liang Yuan couldn't help but think of the joke about Wang Feng, because tonight, in addition to Xu Qing's concert in Kyoto, Wang Feng also publicly announced his new relationship on Weibo!

That's right, a new relationship, this is the eighth woman he has found!

Originally, the hot search headlines tonight were most likely about this matter, but unexpectedly, Xu Qing's Kyoto concert was held, and it directly dominated the Weibo for a whole day, and it has continued to this day! ! !

Liang Yuan shook his head, with a helpless smile on his lips.

On the stage, Xu Qing's singing had already reached the end of the song.


[Let's raise our heads together]

[Welcome love, land]

[The sun proves that this is not a dream]

[Right now]

[Close your eyes and feel with your heart, there is a voice]

[It says love, never left]

Xu Qing's singing finally ended with the last sentence [never left].

At this moment, his face was full of excitement, and he seemed to have an indescribable joy all over his body!

The fans and audiences in the concert had never expected it...

Originally, they were expecting Xu Qing to take a few deep breaths after singing this song!

But... he didn't do that at all.

It seems that Xu Qing doesn't need to breathe at all!

He sang the whole song in one breath, especially the high notes in this song!

This kind of thing...

If you don't see it with your own eyes, I guess no matter who hears it, they will find it outrageous, right? !

It's just like a fairy tale!

What kind of singer is this?

It's clearly Superman!

Otherwise, how could he hold his breath for five minutes?

Can an ordinary person have such a large lung capacity?

And even if your lungs are different and you can hold your breath for five minutes, the problem is...

You still have to sing!

Who can hold their breath and sing a song with passion? !

Liang Yuan and Hong Xiao were both confused.

They really couldn't imagine how Xu Qing did it!

It's definitely not easy to sing the song "Never Left" well!

It's a song that is quite difficult and challenging!

But Xu Qing... not only sang this song perfectly, but also performed a trick!

How can everyone not look at Xu Qing on the stage with a strange look?

"Did you hear Xu Qing breathe when he sang just now??”

“To be honest, Xu Qing didn’t take a breath from beginning to end. He really sang the song in one breath!”

“No… Impossible? This song sounds difficult to sing. Xu Qing… could he really sing it without taking a breath?”

“Believe me, I’m famous for my sharp ears! I can’t make a mistake!”

“Fuck, Xu Qing is a human?”

“Sure enough, this song should be called “Never Take a Breath”! Case solved!”

“I don’t believe it. How can someone sing without taking a breath? Not to mention the difficulty of this song, it’s unreasonable to not take a breath. Is this science? I reasonably suspect Xu Qing is lip-syncing!”

“Lip-syncing? Xu Qing is lip-syncing? Impossible?”

“But are you willing to believe Xu Qing lip-syncing or are you willing to believe Xu Qing is superman? ”


Because Xu Qing’s performance of “Never Left” was so amazing,

the audience at the concert became suspicious.

They even began to wonder if Xu Qing was lip-syncing?

Was he playing a recorded CD at the scene?

After all, Juneday had done this not long ago!

Of course, it even led to many netizens coming out to expose the fake!

So much so that Juneday’s response to “10 beats E6” became a laughing stock of the whole nation!

Could it be that Xu Qing was going to repeat the same mistake not long after this storm?

After all, [I can sing 10 beats E6] and [I sing Songs don't need to breathe] They sound almost exactly the same!

Yes, that's right, Xu Qing must have lip-synced!

After all, he has sung so many difficult songs today, and his voice must have reached its limit.

So in order to continue the concert and not give everyone a chance to sing together, he chose to use this method!

First, he can rest his voice, and second, he can ensure that his microphone will not be taken away!

Xu Qing, have you actually done this? !

At this moment, the audience even showed a look of grief, as if Xu Qing on the stage had really done something to deceive everyone!

"Lip-sync! Lip-sync!!!"

"Xu Qing, why are you lip-syncing!"

"Xu Qing, you would rather lip-sync than let us sing?"

"Xu Qing, if you are really tired of singing, you can give us the microphone to sing!"

"Woo woo woo, my youth is over?"


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