Chapter 191 New Skill: The Cheongsam Control of Corpses (Please subscribe, the third update) A familiar voice rang in Chen Fan's ears. Chen Fan had already returned to the Forensic Institute. Looking at the voice in his ears, Chen Fan himself was speechless.

This time, I must give myself a good skill.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a new skill: Cheongsam Control】

【Cheongsam control: You have no resistance to corpses wearing cheongsams, and they may even do incredible things. Of course, as long as they put on this dress, they have no resistance to you either.】

【Cheongsam control extension: You are even a tailor, you can sew anything you want to sew, for example, change the skin of a person, right? 】

I really want to fuck your second uncle, this skill, how come it has started to take such a weird route.

What, brother, you started to change the route?

But soon, Chen Fan noticed something wrong. Damn, the core skill is actually tailoring, that is, sew the corpse.

The auxiliary is the cheongsam control, and the cheongsam control seems to have added a skill that doesn't look very serious to himself.

But is it really so?

Wait, Chen Fan soon found out that the weird thing was wrong, it was the cheongsam of the dead. Damn

, isn't this pure nonsense? The cheongsam control of the dead, what does it mean, I like to put cheongsam on the dead body, and then some strange things happen?

I really want to fuck you, you are forcing me to go to the perverted route.

This is indeed a crime, this is called the crime of desecrating the corpse.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about these.

Just go to sleep, love whoever you want.

The next day, Chen Fan opened the door, looked at the woman knocking on the door, and said,"Give me a reason, okay? I'm curious, why are you wearing a cheongsam, Sister Yuanyuan?""

"Me? I just think this 830 is pretty good. Have you watched the recent TV series Si Teng starring Jing Tian? It's very popular. The various cheongsams in it are simply amazing. I specially asked for a set and put it on to dress up."

"So, why are you wearing it today, it's winter, what are you wearing this thing for?"

"What's wrong with winter? You're such a weird person, but you look good. It looks like you've had a good rest."

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, looked at Yuanyuan, and said,"Are you sure I look good? I didn't rest for a long time. How can you tell that I look good?"

"Ah, did I see it wrong? I just feel that you have become more handsome and pleasing to the eye."

Chen Fan laughed and went to wash up.

This skill of mine gradually began to affect me. Damn it, it really forced me to become a criminal or a pervert.

After breakfast, several people entered the Forensic Institute. Lao Liu said,"Well, yours, Chen Fan, the information at the seminar has been sorted out. This is a copy for you. Take a look at it later."

"Everyone has their own skills and specialties. If you have time, learn them. It will be better for you. By the way, there are some things here. Take a look. Chen Fan, don't talk."

The box opened.

There were some evidence inside.

"This is something a police officer brought in. It was found in the deceased's home. There is also soil and so on. Please analyze it. This is not a competition, this is work. Try to be quick and provide useful help."

Xiang Qinqin was in charge of the inspection, while Qu Yiling was observing the body in the photo.

"After death, muscles of the whole body relax quickly.

For example, facial muscles relax, and the facial expression is lost; masseter muscles relax, causing the lower jaw to droop; pupil smooth muscles relax, causing the pupil to be of medium size.

The constriction or dilation of the pupil disappears soon after death; anal sphincter relaxes, causing feces to flow out; and the compressed parts of the corpse may form indentations corresponding to the compressed objects due to muscle relaxation.

However, this muscle relaxation phenomenon will pass quickly.

After a short period of time, the muscles gradually become stiff and hard, accompanied by slight contraction, which fixes the joints, such as the mouth cannot be opened, the neck cannot be bent, and the limbs cannot be flexed or extended.

This phenomenon of muscle stiffness after death is called rigor mortis.


Old Liu and Chen Fan drank tea and listened comfortably.

Qu Yiling said,"Is there no autopsy report?"

"Yes, but you are a little bit wrong."


Lao Liu said,"Weather factors."

Qu Yiling said,"That's not right. If it's frostbite, there will be some frost on the body surface, but there is none here." Lao Liu said,

"What if it's handled well?""

Handled well"

Xiang Qinqin picked up the soil and said,"This soil material seems to be far away. The first scene is not at home, but in the suburbs."

"I found some small pieces of skin tissue on the clothes."

Qu Yiling looked at the grease and said,"Then I guess this person is a bald man or a man who likes oily hair."


Chen Fan looked at Lao Liu, and Lao Liu said,"It doesn't matter, continue talking."

Qu Yiling realized that she had said something wrong. Lao Liu actually had less hair than people of this age, but it was more than a bald head.

In the observation room, Teacher He looked at Qin Ming, and Qin Ming said,"Don't look at me, I have a lot of hair, don't look at this thing, I have a lot of hair, what are you looking at."


The audience laughed.

The variety show is still going on. Although there will be some bad cases every time, these cases will rise to some problems, and these problems will also be paid attention to by everyone and cause influence.

Bullying may have always existed, but because of the show, the school of the boy who died has begun to deal with it seriously.

At this time, Lao Song opened the door and looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan said,"Don't say, there is a case?"

Chen Fan laughed and said,"That's great, I can rest now."

Old Song sighed helplessly and said,"What a pity, what a pity that the one who died was a beautiful woman, ah, what do you think is going on?"

Chen Fan came to Old Song's side, looked into the distance with a firm look, and said,"Don't worry, I am righteous, and I am the righteous person."

The audience was directly amused by Chen Fan's words. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Sorry, I couldn't help it, hahaha"

:"I am a professional forensic doctor. How can I take on every case? If it is a beautiful woman, I will enforce my justice."

"Beautiful lady, I like to watch her too. Chen Fan, please come over."

"Tsk tsk tsk, a beauty, I don't believe what Lao Song said, Lao Song has as many tricks as Li Tian."

Everyone came to a museum. Chen Fan walked in and looked at the layout of the room. He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Chen Fan was speechless, pointing at his wax figure, and then he planned to take off his pants.


"What does it mean?"

"Let me see the details. Oh, it's welded. It's meaningless. It's better to put clothes on it in a wax museum. These are all wax figures. They're meaningless."

Chen Fan came over and saw a wax figure. He said,"When was this made?"

"I found it today, in the morning, what happened?"

Chen Fan pulled the cloth and said: This cheongsam is a bit new, it should be newly changed. By the way, here is a dead person, how did you find it?..,

"What does it mean?"

"The staff would knock on the wax museum here every day. I asked the young man, and he said he was worried that there were dead people here. You know the horror wax museums abroad? He was worried that someone would imitate them."

Old Song didn't mention this young man, which means that there is nothing wrong with the young man.

Chen Fan checked the mouth, then took a knife, took out some wax oil, and said:"I don't know about the scars for the time being. I need an autopsy to know. The preliminary inference is that this person died of suffocation."

"Suffocated to death, and then made into a wax figure?"

Chen Fan said:"Yes, because there are wax figures in the nose and mouth. The young man's method is right, but the way he hits is not right."

Chen Fan took a knife and hit the wax figures one by one.

Then he directly smashed a wax figure, and a pale woman appeared in front of everyone.

The second body

"I don't know about that. It's your job to investigate. I'll take the bodies back first. By the way, remember to tell me how many bodies there are later."

Old Song nodded.

Chen Fan carried the first woman, loaded her into the car, and took her back.

On the dissection table, Chen Fan was holding a knife, thinking.

Old Liu said,"Go ahead, what are you hesitating about?"

"I just feel that this woman is quite pretty. She looks really beautiful in the cheongsam. Don’t you feel that? Teacher?"

"I don't feel anything. They are all dead. What's beautiful about that?"

Chen Fan stretched out his hand, put the back of his hand on the woman's cheek, and slid it a little bit.

He smiled and said,"You are really beautiful, so beautiful. I think he really wants to make you into a work of art, a work of art with oriental characteristics."

Chen Fan checked the scraps of the cheongsam and said,"It is still made of pure silk and hand-sewn. It seems that you have a good relationship."

In the observation room, Yuanyuan had a feeling, otherwise, she should change the cheongsam herself.

Why do I feel that Chen Fan is a little sick and perverted?

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