Chapter 192 Don't Touch Me, Chen Fan (Please Subscribe, Fourth Update)

At this time, Chen Fan did not cut open the cheongsam on the woman, but carefully removed the cheongsam, folded it, and placed it next to the woman. Then

, he began to take the knife and cut the woman's skin little by little.

The action at this time was like carving a piece of art, so elegant that it seemed like a piece of music should be played at this time.

"Teacher, can I play some music?"

Lao Liu was speechless and said,"Whatever."

Chen Fan played a song, which was a classic dance music called One Step Away. This part was the classic soundtrack from Scent of a Woman.

But at this moment, it was a perfect match for Chen Fan.

Lao Liu, on his side, said,"As for the difference between corpse spots and blood spots or subcutaneous hemorrhage, our country's classical forensic medicine has accumulated rich experience.

This point has long been discussed in the"Xi Yuan Lu Ji Zheng", and there is an accurate method of identification.

The"Autopsy" section of"Xi Yuan Lu Ji Zheng" records:"To examine the wound, you must use your fingers to press the blue and red area.

If the wound is hard, and it is still blue and red when the finger is lifted,...

then it is a real wound.

If it is a hair change, point your finger at it, and it will be white when you lift your finger.

……The blood in the abdomen is dispersed after death and cannot gather, so it floats.

""For all dead people, the back of the neck, back, ribs, arms, and legs、……There is a slight red color on the upper and lower parts of the legs.

This is because the person was lying on his back and bleeding.

He did not die for any other reason.

""The section on"Suicide by Hanging" records:"After hanging, the blood circulation is blocked, the body becomes purple and black, and there is a kind of hair change, which is called blood blockage.

If there is blue and red swelling caused by beating, it is less likely to be blood blockage.

" The"hair change" here"、"Blood Drop"、""Blood barrier", all refer to corpse spots.


This description directly stunned the audience.

Wow, Lao Liu's style is directly raised. Is this based on Chen Fan's music and matched with some high-end things?

Chen Fan put down the knife in his hand, lifted the woman's skin, removed a part of it, and said:"Although it has been wiped, this skin is not this woman's."

Lao Liu looked at the sutured gap and said:"What do you mean? Sutured?"

"Well, look carefully."

Old Liu reached out and touched the skin, and found that he could really pinch it off a little bit.

This skin seemed to be sutured.

"So, this woman's skin was peeled off and matched with other skin, right?》?"

Chen Fan measured the spleen and said,"It also contains a certain amount of anesthetic ingredients. Well, it should be that when he was alive, someone removed his skin. Because of the anesthesia, people don't feel pain, and the skin becomes very relaxed and not so tense. Well, the technique is still okay."

? ? ?

? ? No, wait a minute, I have seen these words in the dictionary, but why, after you say them, Chen Fan, I always feel so weird?

In the observation room, Qin Ming said,"I think I am cleaning up Chen Fan now, will you believe it?"

Everyone looked at Qin Ming, as if to say, are you kidding?

Teacher He said,"Chen Fan has a wide range of interests and hobbies."

Teacher Luo said,"I know a little bit about psychology. Is this criminal planning to play art?"

Qin Ming said,"Eighty percent is. Generally, art cases are the most troublesome for us. In these cases, you can't find any clear routes at all. This kind of crime model is abstract."

Chen Fan removed the skin bit by bit and put it aside.

Then he put down the scalpel, picked up the piece of skin, and said,"Well, not bad, this skin feels good to me, it's fresh."


Lao Liu said,"Fresh?"

"The time of death given by the skin is different from the time of death of the corpse. Didn’t you notice that, teacher?"

Old Liu checked the marks on the skin and said,"Indeed, there is a big difference between the skin and the corresponding position."

Old Liu calculated and checked the body and said,"Before rigor mortis is fully formed, that is, within 4 to 6 hours after death, if the rigor mortis that has already occurred is destroyed by force, rigor mortis will reappear soon.

If rigor mortis is destroyed and the stiff state is eliminated after rigor mortis is fully formed, that is, 7 to 8 hours after death, rigor mortis will not reappear.

Therefore, for corpses that have been moved, it is usually necessary to check whether the mandibular joint is ankylosing to determine whether rigor mortis exists or is relieved.

Why check the mandibular joint instead of other joints? Because the strength of rigor mortis in different parts of the corpse is inconsistent, and the strongest one is the mandibular joint.


After saying that, he pointed to the position of the jaw.

At the same time, he quickly recorded it to Xiang Qinqin and Qu Yiling.

Chen Fan said:"So, after this person died, he was left here. Then, after he was left here, he was confirmed to be frozen, and then some methods were used to deal with it."

Method of treatment?"

Lao Liu said:"Be more specific.》?"

Chen Fan took out the wax from his mouth and said,"It should be these that protect the body and keep it in its corpse state. It will be so convenient when the skin is sutured later."


Is this crazy? No, this is definitely the biggest.

Chen Fan continued,"The workload is huge. Moreover, I saw two people, not one person, doing the skinning and suture of the body."

Two people?

Everyone looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan pointed at the needle and thread on the skin and said,"Look at the lines here. The stitches are different. Teacher, you also know how to sew. Take a look for yourself."

Lao Liu looked at the lines silently and said,"This is the first time I've seen sewing used on a corpse. I like embroidery, but it doesn't mean that I like embroidery on corpses."

Then the question is. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The body and skin belong to two people, so where is the other victim? Is he dead, or is he like this?

Here, Li Tian brought the bodies into the room and said,"I still have to follow this case. There are five bodies in total."

The five bodies were placed on the table. Chen Fan looked at the bodies and said,"This is not right. This is very wrong........"

Something is wrong?

Li Tian said,"What's wrong?"

"There is a man and four beauties here. Give me a reason why a man appears?"

Chen Fan checked the sutured wound and said,"The sutured place is too rough. It's basically a woman's skin replaced on a man. This is simply a blasphemy, damn it."

It's not one person, but two people. Moreover, there are corpses of different styles. Then the case began to become difficult. It took Lao Liu and Chen Fan a long time to remove the skin. After inspection, these corpses were from the other three.

In other words, there was actually an extra woman's body that was disposed of.

This person replaced the skin. As for the reason for the skin change, that was the murderer's own idea.

At the sutured place of the second corpse, Chen Fan said speechlessly: This is pure nonsense, fuck it.



Here, Li Tian said:"What's the matter again?"

"Suppose the corpse I brought was the first one. The second corpse, the suturing technique was not right at all. The same is true for the third one. Each one is different."Each one is different. Although Chen Fan's special skills in some aspects may make people feel very surprised, Li Tian will not doubt Chen Fan's words.

Chen Fan said it is different, then it is really different.

Li Tian thought seriously and said,"Tell me, it is anesthesia, right?"


"Then let me ask you one thing, why is it cheongsam, and why is it a skin change."

Chen Fan said:"How do I know why the skin is changed, maybe for beauty?"

Li Tian laughed and said:"On each skin, two people's 2.4 needle method was found, right?"

"Then let me ask you, have you seen the stitching of the cheongsam?"

Chen Fan picked up the cheongsam and compared it with the stitching on it. He instantly got a positive answer and said,"I feel like you can arrest people because the stitching on everyone is the same."

There are two stitches on each person, but there is another stitch that is the same. It also matches the cheongsam, so, in fact, it is enough to find the tailor of the cheongsam.

"I don't understand the needlework, but there are only a few tailor shops around here, so follow me."

Chen Fan followed.

He went to each store one by one, but after visiting all of them, Chen Fan felt that none of them was the right one. At this point, Li Tian was speechless.

Suddenly, Chen Fan thought of something. He returned to the forensic institute and found Yuanyuan directly. He squatted down and checked the hem of Yuanyuan's skirt and said,"This is it... I know where I've seen it before."


Li Tian looked at Yuanyuan, and Yuanyuan said,"I have the contact information... for you." ps: Please subscribe and read on, thank you everyone.

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