Chapter 1190 Intimate demonstration

Before the filming, Huo Ran had told himself more than once that even if their acting skills were a bit young, guiding them at the shooting scene would enable them to adapt to the rhythm of the filming in a very short time.

But when the filming really started, Huo Ran realized that if they wanted them to improve their acting skills in the fastest time, it was really considering their savvy.

Huo Ran also “one hundred thirty” is very clear, Liu Haotian and Zhao Yulong have been in the crew during this period of time, carefully observing the whole process of the crew members.

But the understanding of the two of them is too low, Huo Ran has become angry because of their acting skills more than once.

Seeing today’s shooting mission, but unable to complete, Huo Ran stood in front of Liu Haotian and Zhao Yulong and said solemnly to them.

“Didn’t you watch all the movies you watched before?”

“Didn’t I tell you that in those movies, there are many places that are similar to the emotional 10 points you need to shoot now, why haven’t you imitated those movies?”

This is what Huo Ran recently came up with, the most conducive way for the two of them to enter the play.

After Liu Haotian heard this question from Huo Ran, his face began to look fearful.

“The director is not that I don’t want to be in the play, it’s just that those methods are too difficult for us. I can easily show excitement and too much excitement when I look at each other’s eyes. I feel stiff when I think of my excitement!”

“What the hell is wrong with this?” Huo Ran couldn’t help but vomit.

The bitterness of Liu Haotian’s mouth began to deepen.

“What about you? Why are you still acting so jerky?”

Huo Ran started talking and shifted to Zhao Yulong.

Zhao Yulong also had a wry smile on his face.

“Although I am not as stiff as he is, this kind of micro expression is really too difficult for me. I want to show a cold smile, but when I smile, you think I am a very cheerful smile, Director, I’m about to collapse!”

When Zhao Yulong said this, he didn’t even care about his own image and squatted directly on the ground.Huo Ran looked at the two of them and sighed helplessly.

What is going on with these two guys?

Can you give me some strength?

If this continues, they won’t be able to continue this movie.

After thinking about it, he simply stood in front of the two of them and took the initiative to demonstrate their acting skills.

In the case that the crew has no other more suitable candidates, his personal demonstration by the actor in the entertainment circle can save time better.

Mr. Zhiran took graceful steps and walked around Jixiang Street, and his eyes began to show an icy posture, and then the long sword in his hand was suddenly measured forward, as if the front 1.8 faces were appearing. An extremely strange enemy.

After this series of actions fell, Liu Haotian and Zhao Yulong looked at Huo Ran for a long time and couldn’t return to their senses. Huo Ran once again retracted the sword behind him, walked to the two of them and asked with a smile.

“How? Do you understand the performance I just made?”

Liu Haotian nodded like Zhao Yulong. .

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