Chapter 1191 Personally demonstrate

“When you were performing, the two of us were indeed immersed in the performance, but we don’t understand why you use such a gentle pace? Doesn’t it look like a woman to walk at such a pace?”

“But have you forgotten that even though you are a man, you have already had problems with your spirit, and when you wrote the biographies, didn’t you find that he, as a man, behaves like a woman? Is the degree the highest?”

This sentence of Huo Ran mentioned that for Liu Haotian, 12 has the effect of divine enlightenment.

At this time, his face showed a look of sudden realization, and he couldn’t help clapping his palms at this place.

“I finally understand what we are talking about in this movie. No wonder I have always felt jerky when performing.”

Huo Ran smiled and nodded. This guy finally got the hang of it, so the only problem left is Zhao Yulong.

“What about you? What do you think after watching my performance?”

When Huo Ran performed just now, he didn’t just perform Liu Haotian’s clips, he merged the clips between the two of them together. After Zhao Yulong listened to Huo Ran’s questions, he did not answer Huo Ran’s questions. , But fell into silence.

After waiting for another urging from Huo Ran, Zhao Yulong recovered from someone, but he did not speak, but grabbed the sword in Huo Ran’s hand, and then a series of steps began here. The side appears.

Zhao Yulong turned out to perform Huo Ran’s just-showed action without any difference, and he was still in the process of performing, and he also accommodated his own thinking.

When he withdrew the sword again, Huo Ran’s palms couldn’t help but bulge.

“No, it was wrong, you are finally getting started now, and then I will have more confidence in our movies.”

The words of control greeted all the way down, and An Xixi also appeared on the side. Actually, they have already said everything that should be said here, and they can start the formal filming.

The shooting days always pass extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye it has already reached a month of shooting, because the early delay was too long, so this month Huo Ran and the others are in a state of catching up.

After Huo Ran’s life card fell, the film crew supported it. Except for these actors collapsed on the ground, even some of the logistics staff couldn’t help but squat on the ground.

Huo Ran sighed secretly as he looked at everyone. It was indeed hard work for everyone during this period. After thinking about it, Huo Ran stood in front of everyone and said.

“Since we have been filming for a month, or else you should go back to rest and rest!”

At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Huo Ran were full of shock.They were a little confused about what Huo Ran said, what does it mean?

Going back to rest, could it be said that the director is going to give them a holiday?

Everyone hasn’t spoken to Huo Ran yet, and the Huo Ran Office directly answered everyone’s confusion.

“Of course, the two or three days of rest you are looking forward to, I am sure it is impossible to play for you, and it is still possible to release one day.”

This sentence fell, and at this time bursts of cheers began to sound in the crew.

As I looked at everyone, the smile on his face became more sincere.

“Tonight, I plan to treat you all at the Kempin Hotel. If you say you want to rest, go back and rest. If you don’t want to rest, then go to the Kempin Hotel to have a good meal.”

Zhiran once again gave good news. .

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