Chapter 1192 Arrive at the hotel

The entire crew began to cheer.

The Kempin Hotel is one of the most luxurious hotels, and the per capita consumption is more than 3,000 yuan. If you can eat here, it will be enough to eat for a year.

Of course, the oppression of the crew members during this period of time has disappeared completely after his words fell.

At this time, these staff members are like chicken blood. Generally, there is only one idea in their minds, and the mission of the crew will be changed in the fastest time, then they can enjoy their rare vacation.

Under the stimulation of rewards, the work efficiency of crew members has been improved again.

An hour later, even though it was only seven o’clock in the evening, Huo Ran’s filming mission was completed.

After the staff had packed all the good things in this way, Huo Ran waved his hand and led the staff all the way to the Kempin Hotel.

Along the way, after he arrived at the Kempin Hotel in a heated discussion, what kind of dishes they wanted to kill Huo Ran fiercely and vent their anger at being oppressed by Huo Ran during this period.

After hearing these words, not only did he not take it seriously, but the smile on his face became brighter.

He knew very well that the reason why the crew members said these words was just a joke.

In this half month, in order to hurry up, he asked for the crew members. It is indeed beyond everyone’s psychological preparations. Taking advantage of today’s relaxation, let everyone have a good breath. It’s totally okay.

Half an hour later, Huo Ran came to the Kempin Hotel in this crew member. The Kempin Hotel is located in the most luxurious place in the city. It has always been a hotel for the nobles to enjoy.

After getting out of the car, Huo Ran saw that there were millions of cars everywhere around this seaside hotel.

Huo Ran nodded secretly. No wonder the Kempin Hotel is called a must-visit hotel for the rich.

The ordinary members of the staff have been taking photos constantly in front of the Kempin Hotel since they got out of the car. Huo Ran greeted Anxixi and came to him.

“What do you three think? Do you want to enter the hotel with me now, or take a lot of pictures with them in this place,”?”

The reason why Huo Ran asked this question was because seeing the three of them in the background of these ordinary staff, they seemed a little too restrained.

That’s why he took the initiative to speak, trying to dissipate the tension in the hearts of the three of them.

An Xixi smiled and shook her head.

*. “I’ll follow the director and you will enter the package together. As a practitioner in the entertainment industry, if we are photographed, that would be the most embarrassing thing.

However, An Xixi has not yet become the top in the entertainment industry, but he is already deliberately (well) avoiding things that may affect him in the future.

Huo Ran nodded after hearing this sentence. He also had to admit that An Xixi was extremely cautious.

Then, Huo Ran turned his gaze back to Liu Haotian and Zhao Yulong.

“What about you two?”

“Let’s go in with the director, too.”

Liu Haotian and Zhao Yulong also made the same choice as An Xixi. .

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