Chapter 1298 Investment station c

Originally, when Huo Ran was talking about station c, he only thought that propaganda on Star Wars would be an excellent way, and he never thought about investing in station c.

If it weren’t for the exchanges with the broker today, which suddenly reminded him of the stock price issue of station c, he estimated that he could only let this thing leave in front of him.

When he originally thought he was okay, he still had to think more about it.When he didn’t come here before, the stock price of something had soared rapidly in the subsequent time. Taking advantage of the time difference of these stock prices, he You can take this opportunity to make a fortune.

The agent saw that Huo Ran was so anxious 227, so he could not continue to delay the matter and walked directly out of the office.

Huo Ran is walking around in the office, the excitement on his face is still hard to fade.

As long as he can make investment smoothly, he will become a capitalist directly in the entertainment circle in the future, and he will no longer need other people to restrain him.

At that time, he can take this opportunity to shoot his favorite works.

Huo Ran thought of what he did. With the realization of the various plans in the future one by one, the smile on his face will start to become more and more brilliant.

(bcbi) Half an hour later, the agent opened the door again and walked in and gave Huo Ran a phone number.

After getting the phone number, Huo Ran didn’t want to make a call, but when he was about to press the number, Huo Ran hesitated for a moment.

The agent had been watching Huo Ran’s actions from the side, and asked when he noticed Huo Ran’s actions.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Do you want to invest with me?” Huo Ran asked.

“What does this mean? Why do you invest?” The broker felt more confused.

“I am very optimistic about the future of this website. In my opinion, if I invest in this website, it will give me hundreds or even thousands of times the investment income, so do you want to follow me?”

Huo Ran continued to ask. It is impossible for him to tell the agent all the future development trends of this c station. Guan Ji’s attitude was somewhat restrained at this moment.

He thought for a while, and simply nodded to Huo Ran.

“I can invest with you, but I can only put out ten million.”

“That’s enough, ten million is no longer a minority!” Huo Ran said with a light smile.

They told the agent that this matter was just looking forward to getting the agent out. How much profit this boy agent can get from these things has nothing to do with him.

Since the broker cannot invest more, it is the broker’s own decision, and he has no incentive to make more interference.

After a few years, when the broker saw that the stocks in his hands had turned hundreds of times, his heart was full of regret.

Knowing that he should have invested all his wealth in this company.

The owner of Station C is named Chen Jiale. After he suddenly received a call from Huo Ran, he was filled with confusion. Some strange Huo Ran, as a star in the entertainment industry, suddenly dialed the phone to his mobile phone. .

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