Chapter 1299 Make an appointment

After he got the news of his plan to invest in this company from Huo Ran’s mouth, Chen Jiale’s face was full of surprises.

Recently, their original investors wanted to withdraw the company’s funds, which caused the company to become stretched.

Chen Jiale even started thinking about whether he should sell part of his shares.

Huo Ran was willing to invest, which was an excellent thing for him. Making a decisive decision, Chen Jiale agreed to Huo Ran to arrive at their company in the afternoon to discuss.

After hanging up the phone, the agent still looked at Huo Ran and waited for Huo Ran’s follow-up explanation. Unexpectedly, Huo Ran only smiled and said: “It is estimated that this matter can be successful and you will be a wealthy man. Billions of capitalists!”

Huo Ran’s really endless sentence made the agent feel confused, but Huo Ran didn’t have any idea of ​​explaining with him at all.The agent who Huo Ran pushed away at this time walked out the door and solved it. After the matter about station c, he still needs to continue to look for Liu Anxi according to his original idea.

The matter at Station C is indeed an extremely important matter, but more importantly, this is his work. For Huo Ran, he does not have much so-called more money than less money.

The reason why he wants to invest, although he only hopes that his future TV series or movies can get better publicity channels, it is absolutely impossible for him to affect the development of his works because of these commercial matters.

Dan Ran had just received Liu Anxi’s salary and was directly introduced into Liu Anxi’s office by his secretary.

After Liu Anxi gestured to Huo Ran to sit on the sofa, he spoke straightforwardly.

“I have discussed with the shareholders of our company in the past few days, and they have agreed that you will transfer your movie broadcasting rights to our company within the follow-up time, but you must agree to follow up your work, our company Have priority-first cooperation rights.,

Huo Ran smiled and nodded. He showed no signs of disgust with this incident.

After all, Liu Anxi’s company can be regarded as a well-known publishing company in the entertainment industry. If the cooperation with Liu Anxi will give him greater benefits in the future, he will of course not choose to refuse.

“One more thing, in the process of follow-up promotion, you also need to ensure that each of your TV series must have an actor of ours!” Wang Ming continued to ask, but his words just fell. Huo Ran said unceremoniously.

…Please ask for flowers………

“This is impossible!”

Without the slightest hesitation, Huo Ran chose to refuse.

Liu Anxi frowned: “What are you doing? The two parties have to cooperate. Of course, the distribution of actors must also be divided. Do you think you can control the entire work by yourself? Actor?

“Of course!” Huo Ran said confidently.

“I have said from the beginning that in the shooting of my work and the various preparations for the pre- and post-production period, I do not allow anyone to intervene in my work, even my agent does not allow it. Do such a thing, let alone be like you!”

The words in it were definitely not polite, and Liu Anxi’s face instantly sank.

“The cooperation between the two parties must be the result of mutual compromise. Do you really want to be so tough?”

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