Chapter 1300 Want to cooperate and abide by the rules

“I still said that. If you want to cooperate with me, you must abide by my rules. If you don’t want to cooperate, then there is no need for us to continue to advance.”

Said openly and impatiently.

Originally, when he was discussing this matter before, he had already made it clear to Liu Anxi, but he did not expect that the shareholders of their company would have made similar demands.

In Huo Ran’s eyes, this “two twenty seven” point was a deliberate challenge to his patience.

This aspect is his bottom line. If Liu Anxi chooses to end cooperation with him in the end, he will not choose to compromise.

Liu Anxi looked at Huo Ran with a strong posture and sighed helplessly.

“All right, I will discuss this matter with the people in our company.”

Huo Ran shook his head and said firmly: “This is not a question of non-discussion. In this regard, let them not think about it at all. If you believe me, then you will get good benefits in the future cooperation.”

“Of course, if you don’t believe me, it’s okay for our cooperation to be scattered.

“Anyway, this kind of thing always depends on the cooperative attitude of both parties, there is no need to reluctantly on these things.”

Zhiran felt that these words she had said were all realities, but Liu Anxi’s face changed and changed after Huo Ran’s words fell.

The cooperation with Huo Ran this time has made him fully feel the strength of Huo Ran, knowing that Huo Ran will bring huge benefits to their company in the future.

Now Huo Ran said in one word that he would dissolve cooperation with them, which was unacceptable to Liu Anxi.

Although he holds the largest share in this company, because the share gap with other small shareholders is not large, the shareholders in the company often think of uniting him to pull him from his current position.

If the cooperation with Huo Ran is severed, and if other shareholders cling to Huo Ran at that time, it will have a huge impact on him.

Liu Anxi thought for a while and said seriously again.

“Don’t worry, I will convince those shareholders!”

Huo Ran saw that Liu Anxi was still insisting, he didn’t speak any more and nodded, so he put his new file in front of Liu Anxi.

“This is a new TV series that I plan to start filming soon. If you want, you can consider whether to cooperate in this TV series!”

Liu Anxi picked up the file, and when he saw that it was an e-sports type work marked on the file, his brows frowned subconsciously.

How could Shiran suddenly want to shoot e-sports works? In recent years, the e-sports industry is really booming, and it has made great profits in the market, and even because of the excessive popularity of e-sports, it has led to film and television. Suffered tremendous oppression.

It is precisely because of this that many directors have cast their sights on the adaptation of e-sports works. They expect 1.8 to use the popularity of e-sports to make their works more popular.

As a result, in the past few years, every improved e-sports work ended in failure.

Over time, investors in the industry have begun to take a cautious attitude towards e-sports works, and they dare not easily place their investments in such works. .

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