Chapter 1301 E-sports works

Nobody’s money came from the wind

The reason why these investors are willing is because the purpose of investing in works is to make them more profitable.

However, the tens of millions of investment can only be lost, and it is naturally impossible for investors to enter easily. Among works of this type.

Huo Ran’s first work is a fantasy genre and has been well received. Liu Anxi originally thought that if Huo Ran planned to shoot another work, he would also project his eyes on the fantasy genre. As a result, I did not expect that Huo Ran’s work span was so large. .

If the person who handed this project to him today was not Huo Ran, but any other director, Liu Anxi would not even open this work and would let the other person leave in front of him.

But even if the protagonist facing him is Huo Ran, Liu Anxi still inevitably took a bit of contempt in his eyes when opening the work.

But after he watched a few pages, his face had begun to change again.

Liu Anxi discovered that Huo Ran’s work on this e-sports work is not just a game adaptation, it is even a work of suspense love and inspiration, and the work is extremely rich in connotation.

Liu Anxi couldn’t wait to flip through dozens of pages. After Huo Ran called Liu Anxi in a hurry, he reluctantly put down the script.

“What do you think?” Huo Ran asked.

Although he was able to guess what was in his heart from Liu Anxi’s impatient action just now, he decided to be more secure.

“This work is really good!” Liu Anxi first affirmed the script that Huo Ran brought over.

I haven’t been married before, and after seeing Liu Anxi, he can feel from Liu Anxi’s attitude that he should still have something to say.

“But do you know that e-sports works have begun to leave an impression on the market in the past few years?

Liu Anxi asked Huo Ran.

“I know that all e-sports works will be subconsciously considered. This is a rubbish TV series. The original e-sports works because of the guarantee of the storyline and the bad special effects, so that the audience hates the e-sports works.”

Before writing this work, Zhiran has already had a careful understanding of the current development status of the industry’s internal e-sports works.

It is very clear that once this work of my own is released, it may attract huge criticism. At least before the word of mouth has appeared, it is obviously impossible for this work to become hot. thing.

“Since you know all this, why do you want to make such a work, if you honestly make a fantasy work, it is very likely that the second work will be even more popular than the first one.”

“After all, although you have only produced one work in 227 fantasy genres, you have become the benchmark of fantasy works and the ceiling of fantasy works.

Liu Anxi still feels that it is a pity to abandon fantasy works to make e-sports works. He is still trying to persuade Huo Ran.

Huo Ran couldn’t help laughing after hearing Liu Anxi’s words.

“Then you mean, I have to do my life in the fantasy type?”

“I don’t mean that, but since you can do well in this industry, why do you want a change in your lover’s game?”

Liu Anxi hesitated and asked. .

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