Chapter 1308 Increasing box office

If this happens, it will be even more troublesome for us. ”

After Huo Ran said this, he didn’t speak any more.The agent thought for a moment in silence and nodded seriously at Huo Ran.Since this is the case, then they simply watched the change and waited until the topic was a bit crooked. Continue to guide.

During the anxious waiting period between the agent and Huo Ran, the film soon reached its first day of release.

The first day’s release did not make Huo Ran’s film a very high box office, only a box office of 50 million.

Such a box office seems to be a little bit inadequate on the current box office record of hundreds of millions of dollars.

The agent felt a little bit anxious about this 230 incident. In his opinion, his popularity did not seem to be converted into the box office. However, when he told Huo Ran these concerns, Huo Ran did not Take these things to heart.

“It’s nothing, no matter how long you wait, I think the box office of the movie will be able to achieve a higher growth rate in the end.”

“How could it be possible that the box office on the first day was unfavorable, and the subsequent time is likely to confess that it is in a declining situation!”

“Because my movie has a good reputation, I want to make a movie’s box office counterattack, word of mouth is the most important thing (bcbi)!”

While talking, Huo Ran pushed his computer to the agent again. The agent looked at the deposit and found that the computer page just showed Huo Ran’s movie rating.

At this moment, after tens of thousands of ratings, his movie has fallen steadily to the nine-point position.

A bright smile appeared on the face of the agent.

Nine points when tens of thousands of people are evenly divided, which is an excellent evaluation for a movie.

Even if some people say that their movie was deliberately uploaded, such a score itself can form a lot of people’s attention.

“Hahaha!” A bright smile began to appear on the agent’s face.

“I said that you kid can do it, and now it seems that our movie can be regarded as steadily advancing!”

Zhiran nodded, and did not show any humility in the compliment of the agent.

“I think this score should be able to continue to rise. When those audiences think about Valentine’s Day in a part of the movie, they will discover how clever the plot settings are.”

The agent stared blankly at Huo Ran and the super-high value of eight points.Huo Ran was not satisfied with it.Is this guy going to heaven?

Do you know how difficult it is for a film director to get an eight-point evaluation?

At this time, the agent felt that he was unable to complain about Huo Ran. Sure enough, although he and Huo Ran belong to the same company, she would never understand the other party’s pursuit of art.


He is really a layman.

The agent decided that in order not to let himself suffer a huge blow to him, he should once again shift the topic to the box office.

“Now that the box office of movies has started to advance continuously, then our company’s follow-up marketing focus can be developed in the direction of preventing the smearing of family rules.”

Huo Ran nodded, there is nothing to refuse the agent’s proposal.

The good income of the movie box office means that it has largely squeezed the box office of other movies released in the same period in the movie market. .

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