Chapter 1309 Detonate the entertainment circle

If other movies attack his movie at the same time, it is likely to have a great impact on the follow-up word-of-mouth of the movie, and the agent’s consideration in this regard is understandable.

Huo Ran didn’t object to him, so the agent turned and walked outside, wanting to prevent the black PR from deliberately discrediting, they need to do more.

Others can expect that during the time when the movie is released, it will be difficult for him to strengthen himself, but he is willing to be content with such busyness. After all, every bit of busyness will bring him a huge amount in the future. Benefit.

Countless people were watching the box office of Huo Ran’s movie while the Chong Ran movie was released.

For ordinary audiences, when they saw that Huo Ran’s movie started to increase at a daily box office of 50, 60, 80, or even 100 million, they all began to understand Huo Ran’s movie. More and more interested.

After seeing the impact of so many box offices, Ran’s movie ratings have always been maintained at more than eight points, and even after a faint upward trend.

Those who work in the entertainment industry can no longer sit back and watch.

Dianran’s first movie was able to get a high box office. They can also say that this is just an accident. With Huo Ran’s huge popularity as an actor, it got a high box office.

But Huo Ran is not just a movie, even his last TV series has left a very deep impression in everyone’s mind.

Now, Huo Ran’s second movie is still able to achieve such an unexpected reputation and box office, no one dares to show any contempt for Huo Ran anymore.

They know very well that Huo Ran’s movie has already exploded, and it is big-exploded.

In the future, Huo Ran will become a miracle in the film industry.

Because after Huo Ran shot the movie, he didn’t choose to release the movie for the first time. Instead, he kept putting his energy into the shooting of the TV series.

Many people previously suspected that Huo Ran made this choice because after the second film was edited, Huo Ran has clearly realized that this kind of film has no way to achieve high in China. At the box office, I deliberately suppressed it.

There are also many marketing accounts mocking Huo Ran, which can’t help showing that Huo Ran is a speculative guy.

But today, with the reputation of Huo Ran’s second film and the sight of the box office flying at the same time, those marketing accounts all closed their mouths one by one.

As for the mocking of Huo Ran they originally said, they also thought they had never done it.

Then this is the normal state in the entertainment industry, there is no need to take it to heart, but people like them don’t take it to heart, it doesn’t mean that the fans of Huo Ran don’t take it to heart.

The marketing account that originally attacked Huo Ran has suffered a few strong blows in the recent period. Countless Huo Ran fans have poured into these marketing accounts, sneering at them.

“I saw your marketing account on the Internet today, and even gave us a compliment to Huo Ran. This is really unexpected! Have you forgotten the irony you once made to Huo Ran!”

“It turns out that you guy is simply a naked joke. I have never seen a person kneeling so thoroughly!” Er,

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