Chapter 1371 You are really my ancestor

Huo Ran was staying in his office at the moment. After seeing these words, his face began to become more and more ferocious. Just about to respond, the agent has hurried into his office at this moment.

The agent held a mobile phone in his hand and saw that Huo Ran’s page was on the side of Liu Yifei’s platform. He smiled helplessly at Huo Ran.

“My ancestor, since your TV series will be broadcast today, can you not put too much energy into these entertainment gossips?”

It was crazy to see Huo Ran in the agent.

Liu Yifei is clearly a guy who can’t afford a TV series. Why does Huo Ran insist on cooperating with Liu Yifei?

Is it true that, as the rumors are, Huo Ran has already taken a fancy to Liu Yifei, so is he planning to spend a thousand dollars for the beauty?

“What do you want me to do?”

Huo Ran asked, frowning slightly.

Now that the TV series have been broadcast, the only thing he can do is to wait for the TV series’ ratings quietly. Besides waiting, he doesn’t know what else he can do.

“Isn’t the marketing plan of your previous movie very good? Can’t you choose another marketing plan for our TV series?”

The agent made a request, and he was slightly stunned when he heard this sentence. He didn’t expect that the agent was actually making this plan, but Huo Ran didn’t think there was any objection to this request.

After all, if the TV series can really be attracted under his propaganda, then it must be considered an excellent thing.

After immersing himself in thinking for a while, Zhiran transferred the phone to the page of station c, and continued to speak to the agent.

“I have observed Weibo’s related information in the past few days. I found that although there can be many stars on this, there are countless tearing phenomena, but I have to say that compared to the pure TV series on the c station In terms of love, their popularity is not very high.

“So I think the best way is to place the important points of marketing on station c. Within a period of time, when you are looking for a large number of edits, you will start editing and placing our TV series from various angles. There is a round of preheating.”

After hearing what Huo Ran said, the agent didn’t go out to arrange work for the first time. Instead, he projected suspicious eyes on Huo Ran’s body.

Don’t think that he didn’t pay attention to it. It was only after his voice fell that he thought of these plans temporarily.So these plans seem to be no problem on the surface, but the agent always feels that if this thing is done. If you do, it might seem too reckless.

After Huo Ran saw his words fall, the agent never showed 267, any action, he asked suspiciously.

“What’s wrong? Is there anything else you want to add?”

“Don’t you think your request is too simple?”

“Even if it attracts a lot of heat on station c, can people pay attention to the TV series? We must know that if the TV series is not watched after it is broadcast, it will cause a great blow to our morale.”

As far as the agent is concerned, he originally disagreed with the Huo Ran’s TV series being broadcast on this new TV station. On the one hand, it was because there was really no one watching this TV station. .

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