Chapter 1372 I will bear the loss

Before buying, they had measured the number of viewers of the TV station, and according to their estimates, the highest number of viewers was only 500,000.

Facing a large market of more than one billion yuan, the attention of half a million is simply a grain of sand in the ocean, and it will not attract anyone’s attention at all.

Now Huo Ran is just using such a simple marketing plan. From the perspective of the agent, it is extremely difficult to increase the attention again. However, after Huo Ran listened to the agent’s rebuttal, he faced The agent smiled again and shook his head.

“You may have overlooked one thing.

The agent looked at Huo Ran suspiciously: “What?”

“Did you forget our TV series, but there are 80 episodes, one TV series broadcasts two episodes a day, which means that we can broadcast it for at least forty days, and when the time comes to reduce the number of days to be broadcast on holidays, it will be almost two. Months are enough for us to increase the popularity,”. ”

Hearing Huo Ran’s words, although the agent felt that there was some truth, he still wanted to persuade Huo Ran.

But this time Huo Ran did not give the agent a chance to speak again, his fingers stretched out and directly blocked the agent.

“I have made a decision. You can do it according to my requirements. If the popularity still does not increase, then I will bear the loss by myself.”

“You know what I didn’t mean.” The agent frowned and said.

Originally, this TV series was created by the two of them. No matter what, he wouldn’t let You Ran alone bear the loss, but Huo Ran didn’t have any thoughts of shrinking from this matter.

“Since I have said that, it means I am willing to do so, so you don’t have to persuade me anymore.”

When the voice fell, Huo Ran pointed to the door of the room and signaled that the agent could leave his room. The agent nodded helplessly, turned and walked out.

He still feels that Huo Ran’s marketing plan is a bit too rudimentary, but in the absence of a better method, he can only proceed according to Huo Ran’s intentional method first.

I can only look forward to it, and soon someone will notice the quality of their TV series!

Originally, after Huo Ran’s TV series was filmed, other TV station directors would still pay attention to him a little bit. I don’t care too much.

Such a small TV station does not need them to invest too much energy.

But the development of the matter surpassed the attention of these directors

When the first day’s broadcast volume began to appear, these directors were surprised to find that the attention of Huo Ran TV series far exceeded their expectations, and the audience rating of this TV station could reach 0.1%. , It is considered to be (Zhao’s) not bad, but this time the TV station’s ratings have reached an astonishing 0.8%.

Although this figure did not exceed 1%, it looked a little worse than many first- and second-tier TV stations, but it was a very surprising thing to put it on an unknown TV station.

If the final broadcast rate of the TV series can exceed one percent, it means that this TV series is completely popular. ,

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