Chapter 1417 Don’t hit Huo Ran

At his level, even the third-line directors in the director circle can’t compare with him. What’s more, a work like Huo Ran has become a classic director.

As long as he says a word, the comment area below will continue to ridicule him.

After a long time, in his comment area, there are no other comments except Hahaha’s comments.

The director could only shut his mouth silently, and never dared to say a word to everyone.

If the argument continues like this, he is worried that he will become a joke in the entire entertainment circle.

This kind of thing is not an exception. There are several directors who want to take this opportunity to make themselves famous are using Huo Ran’s reputation to make hype.

Huo Ran doesn’t know much about these things. At this moment, he is discussing the right to broadcast his documentary online.

The person in charge who appeared in front of Huo Ran today is Ning Haoran, the person in charge of the Fat Goose network platform.

Previously, when Huo Ran’s TV series could not be sold on the TV station, they also cooperated with the other party. Both parties have obtained mutually satisfying benefits during that cooperation.

At that time, both parties expressed the hope that they would continue to cooperate in the coming time.

However, because Huo Ran shot a documentary in the following period, the cooperation between the two parties was also interrupted.

At that time, Ning Haoran felt a bit regretful after hearing the news about Huo Ran filming a documentary.

In his opinion, Huo Ran is a qualified commercial director. There is really no need to go deep into the literature and art aspect of documentary. If this is the case, it is likely to waste his talent in the commercial field.

I thought it was impossible for them to cooperate with each other before Huo Ran filmed a new TV series. I didn’t expect that this documentary by Huo Ran would have caused such a big enthusiasm on the Internet.

Within a few days of the documentary being aired, countless viewers poured into their message platform and asked them to buy the documentary.

There are even a large number of VIP users who keep saying that if their platform refuses to buy Huo Ran’s documentary, they will choose to go to other platforms at that time.

With the efforts of tens of thousands of people, Ning Haoran and others could no longer take Huo Ran’s documentary lightly. So Ning Haoran soon organized reviewers on the platform to watch the documentary in a unified manner.

Although they only watched the episodes shown on the TV, after watching them, all the staff had only one idea in their hearts, buy!

They must buy this documentary on their own platform.

Such a perfect documentary will definitely become a classic among the documentaries. If other platforms are used, it will have a huge impact on the development of their platforms.

This is why Ning Haoran will appear in front of Huo Ran today.

*. “Unexpectedly, you still came to see me during your busy schedule. It really makes me feel guilty,”!” Huo Ran said to Ning Haoran teasingly.

Ning Haoran sighed helplessly after hearing Huo Ran’s words.

From Huo Ran’s attitude, he can feel that Huo Ran at this moment is still remembering what he criticized for Huo Ran’s documentary filming. .

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