Chapter 1418 Site staff arrived

At this time, Ning Haoran wanted to return to that time, and slapped her face fiercely with a slap.

Let you go crazy!

I even dared to say that to Huo Ran. Now this matter is in trouble.

It’s a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. After listening to Huo Ran’s directly, she looked for Ning Haoran, and had to continue speaking with a smile on her face.

“Unexpectedly, director Huo Ran, you also have such a great talent in documentary, and you have filmed a documentary that can be called a classic without speaking. It seems that you are in this industry, and you really have Formidable strength!

At this time, Ning Haoran was facing the ground, Huo Ran was really gone, and he said respectfully with the proud look he had in the past.

When he cooperated with Huo Ran, Huo Ran was not accepted by other personnel. Therefore, although he recognized the strength of 303 Huo Ran, he still showed a bit of rebelliousness when facing Huo Ran. Attitude.

But the following successive works have gradually come to Ning Haoran’s inability to despise Huo Ran.

This time the documentary made him convinced that Huo Ran is a natural director, no matter what kind of work it is, he can radiate strong vitality in his hands.

For their content-based platform, a good director and their teammates who have a good relationship, the later development of the platform will also have a good effect (bcbi).

As the manager of the platform, Ning Haoran can certainly not offend Huo Ran.

Huo Ran snorted coldly, but he didn’t ridicule Ning Haoran too much. He could also see that Ning Haoran had realized how wrong his original choice was.

Everyone is mixed in this circle. People shouldn’t be too maverick in these things, otherwise, they may offend a lot of people unknowingly.

Ning Haoran let out a sigh of relief when he looked at Huo Ran. Now it seems that his attitude is of some use to Huo Ran, at least Huo Ran no longer has the same extreme rejection of him. .

That being the case, Ning Haoran said straightforwardly.

“Huo Ran’s let me know that you are not a task that likes to drag, so let me just say, your documentary of this step, our website hopes to reach a cooperation with you, if you are willing to put the exclusive broadcasting rights of this documentary Go to our website and we can give you a satisfactory amount.”

Ning Haoran’s face. With a confident smile, he firmly believes that this amount will satisfy you in vain.

After all, documentaries don’t have much vitality. Even if it’s super hot, you can easily get it with just one or two million English.

Shooting records is not like shooting a TV series. It is necessary to pay a high price to the stars. The cost of shooting a documentary is much less than that of a TV series. Ten to 20 million is enough for Huo Ran to get millions of profits.

Ning Haoran had a good plan in his heart, but his voice fell. Before he even had time to show his number to Huo Ran, Huo Ran smiled at him and shook his head.

“I don’t have the idea of ​​transferring the exclusive broadcast rights of the documentary!”

Hearing this, Ning Haoran frowned slightly: “Then do you have any other ideas?”.

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