Chapter 1424 Don’t be crooked

Now no matter where he goes, no one would say that he is a wise and martial agent.

Huo Ran watched his agent’s face change helplessly after receiving his response.His brows frowned slightly, but he was too lazy to ask the agent, instead projecting his attention again. In the script in hand.

Although he has promised that Fanbingbing will really cooperate with Fanbingbing in the follow-up time to make Fanbingbing the protagonist of his TV series, but it is a very troublesome thing to film this TV series.

The first thing they need to do is to find a suitable actor as much as possible. After all, there are too few agricultural gardens in the entertainment circle that can match the appearance of Shangfan Bingbing.

“Do you say that our next TV series is to choose a flow player as an actor? Or do you choose a strong player as an actor?”

Huo Ran asked suddenly, interrupting the agent’s contemplation, and the agent’s eyes projected at Huo Ran began to show-a bit of confusion.

“what do you mean?”

“It means that the script of my TV series has now been worked out. The only thing missing is an actor, but although this actor is a nominal actor, it does not exceed 30 in the overall drama. In such a scene, I am afraid that many people do not want to join.”

“Thirty games?” The agent was shocked after hearing what Huo Ran said.

He only thinks that Huo Ran is teasing him, a man with 30 scenes can still be called a male protagonist.

Isn’t Huo Ran really funny?

Thirty scenes are placed in some TV dramas, and even the score of a major supporting role cannot be reached.

But after he questioned Huo Ran, Huo Ran showed a plausible posture.

“What’s wrong? My TV series originally had a big heroine. If the hero points too much, how can we highlight Fanbingbing?”

At the moment, the agent’s face began to show a gossip look, and he quickly approached Huo Ran’s face, with a bit of unkindness on his face.

“Tell me, do you have any other thoughts about Fanbingbing?”

Controlled brows frowned slightly.

…For flowers…………

What the agent is saying now is really getting more and more inconsistent. He and Fan Bingbing have been friends for so many years, how could they have other ideas?

Mianzi still doesn’t eat the grass at the edge of the nest, how could he put his idea on Fan Bingbing?

“Can you stop gossiping here? I have stressed to you several times that Fanbingbing and I are ordinary friends.”


“Then why are you putting your TV series on Fan Bingbing?” You sighed helplessly.

“Why can’t I put it on Fan Bingbing’s body? His appearance and his acting skills completely meet the requirements of my TV series.”

In Huo Ran’s view, these words the agent said now are the strangest words.

“I tell you, in the entertainment industry, there are countless actresses who are both glamorous and acting.

“You only need to wave your hand, and then the actresses will want to rush in front of you to show their beauty to you as much as you can. You can even do whatever you want with them. Why do you want to be in Fanbingbing? How about hanging from a tree?” Er,

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