Chapter 1425 I’m joking with you

“Don’t you want to take this opportunity to let you have a good experience of what is called a different kind of fun?”

While talking, the agent began to sweep his eyes towards Huo Ran’s body.

After suddenly noticing this action by the agent, his face instantly sank.

“Who told you these statements?”

“Huh?” The agent looked at Huo Ran stiffly. What he originally said was just playing “Three One Zero” with Huo Ran, why this guy suddenly turned his face.

“I’m just playing around with you!”

The agent explained to Huo Ran in a low voice.

“I have already said that the relationship between me and Fanbingbing is a friend, no matter what, I will not hit Fanbingbing with my homework.”

“If you dare to talk to me in this way in the next time, then I have to think about it carefully, are you planning to use your agent as an agent to bully another person?”

At this time, the agent felt that cold sweat was beginning to swell on his forehead.

How could this guy get angry so fast.

If such a statement really comes out, then he will be in the future. In the entertainment industry, you just don’t want to be a human being, the agent explained hurriedly.

“No, don’t worry, I promise you will never say anything like this again, and I have never had any thoughts of this kind in my heart. This kind of messing up the relationship between men and women is for me. Yeah, but I hate it.”

“It’s not just me, I even let the entire company take me as a lesson, and I will never allow them to think like this.”

The agent just got up from the chair and said solemnly to Huo Ran.

I see his posture. If Huo Ran’s prediction is in my eyes, everything is estimated that he can kneel on the ground, like Huo Ran begging, Huo Ran can’t help but see Dingding not being effective.

His laughter instantly stunned the agent. What is going on? Could it be that that guy was just kidding him?

Huo Ran’s follow-up words quickly answered the agent’s confusion.

“It’s all right, you should hurry up and stand up. I don’t have the idea of ​​bullying my agent. Those words just now are just a joke to you.”

The agent’s fist was squeezed tightly.

At this time, he wished to slap Huo Ran on the ground and retaliate severely against him.

Sure enough, this guy is a very bad personality, even if he becomes a famous director in the entertainment industry, it is difficult to change his naive thoughts.

“Of course, when the filming really starts, I still don’t want our crew to eventually spread such a statement, and even I ask you to establish such rules and regulations in the company, and absolutely do not allow anyone to use public affairs for private purposes!”

After playing around for a while, Huo Ran emphasized again to the agent.

The agent smiled and nodded, and did not refute Huo Ran’s remarks.

He knew that what he said before still left a deep impression on Huo Ran’s heart.

The reason why Huo Ran took this matter up high and put it down gently, was just because of his face.

If by then there are really great problems caused by these things, he will really have no face to stay in this industry.

The agent has decided that after leaving Huo Ran’s office, he must carefully beat the staff in the company to let them know where the company’s Ni Lin is?.

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