Chapter 1426 Become a judge

Huo Ran originally thought that after he sold the documentary to other websites, he could prepare for the new TV series with peace of mind. As a result, the agent suddenly sent a surprising message.

The Seven Cup has begun!

Originally, a TV drama cup game did not require Huo Ran to care too much. According to Huo Ran’s consistent idea, these things did not have much connection with him.

But the development of this time has exceeded Huo Ran’s expectations.

The awards selected him as the 12 judges in the field of TV dramas.

As soon as the news came out, it shocked everyone.

In everyone’s impression, if the judges are selected, most of them have worked in the entertainment industry for decades, have their own masterpieces, and can be called seniors.

Huo Ran has become a director now in just one year, how can he be judged by the judges?

Is there capital intervention in this?

Within a short time, various controversies over Huo Ran began on the Internet.

“Now I finally understand that the power of capital is infinite. What does this sentence mean?”

“Why did Huo Ran become the director of the jury of this trophy? Wouldn’t the organizers behind this trophy find it ridiculous?”

“Huo Ran has only a few masterpieces so far. Let him be the judge. Isn’t this a naked joke?’

“It is strongly requested to investigate the shady behind this award. I think there must be a lot of unknown things behind this award!”

When this topic first emerged, most of the Internet users were questioning Huo Ran.

But with the passage of time, some people have begun to realize that although Huo Ran is very young, he already has several masterpieces in the entertainment industry.

Many directors have worked for a lifetime, but they only have one masterpiece. Huo Ran can have so many works and become a judge, which is a matter of course.

Many people began to stand up for Huo Ran on the Internet.

“I think it’s the right thing for the organizers behind to choose Huo Ran. Don’t forget, Huo Ran is not only developing in the film industry, her development in the TV drama industry is even stronger, Huo Ran’s current masterpiece Take it out and kill a lot of directors in seconds!”

“Those who question Huo Ran, please give me a few representatives in the TV drama industry that can exceed the number of directors of Huo Ran. Otherwise, please shut up!

“Why in this society, everyone’s thinking is still so old-fashioned. If Huo Ran does not have any masterpieces, accepting everyone’s doubts is a 310 matter in itself, but Huo Ran has become the best in the TV drama industry. The first person in, why do so many people still object to Huo Ran?”

“Just because everyone can’t be more open about these things, I still use an age to evaluate a person’s maturity. If this is the case, then I will simply remove all the oldest people in the entertainment industry. After passing by, anyway, regardless of whether they have works or not, at least they have reached their age!

Huo Ran originally didn’t intend to take these enthusiasm on the Internet into his mind, but the agent showed a high degree of participation in this matter. .

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