Chapter 1427 Hard to convince

He appeared in front of Huo Ran with his mobile phone time and time again, and kept telling Huo Ran what changes have begun to take place on the network.

After watching the agent rush in front of him again, before waiting for the agent to speak, he took the initiative to stop the agent.

“I think if you continue like this, I wonder if the threshold of my room will be crushed by you.”

What Huo Ran said was of course a mockery of the agent.

But at this moment, the agent who had fallen into the devil’s stunner ignored his move at all, and instead smiled faintly at Huo Ran.

“Don’t worry, if this event can really help you remember and make some hype, even if you replace your entire door, then I will be happy.”

Huo Ran sighed helplessly after hearing the words of his agent, and had to put the script in his hand on the table beside him.

From the current attitude of the agent, it can be seen that if this matter did not tell the agent a reasonable result today, the agent would definitely not let him go.

Pointing to the sofa aside, Huo Ran said.

“It’s all right, you sit aside,” right”

“Isn’t the purpose after so many times just to convince me?”

The agent nodded: “Yes, I did try to convince you that now this is a good opportunity that many people expect for you. If you miss this good opportunity, who knows if you can meet it next time? .”

The agent’s face was full of excitement, and his body began to tremble slightly.

Huo Ran is very skeptical. If the agent is not in good health, it is estimated. He can have a heart attack.

“Since you said this is a good opportunity, then you can explain to me what is so good about it. If you can persuade me, I will agree to the party’s invitation.”

“If you can’t convince me, then you won’t be allowed to continue discussing this matter with me after today.” Huo Ran said lightly.

He put his arms around his chest and made a defensive gesture.

The agent sighed helplessly when he looked at Huo Ran.

When he cooperates with Huo Ran on weekdays, he often sees Huo Ran showing such a posture.

At this time, Huo Ran wanted to persuade him, it was an extremely difficult thing.

But seeing this good opportunity, he was about to slip away from his hands, and the agent felt that he had to work hard anyway.

In this case, even those who ultimately fail will not regret it.

“. “Do you know what your current ranking in the entertainment industry is like?”

The agent asked.

“What does it look like?”

“Among the young actors in the entertainment industry, your top 100 is only second to those few, and you have been (good) directors certified by the international driving force, so the comprehensive ranking should be able to reach the top three positions.

Huo Ran nodded. It doesn’t make any sense to this ranking. From this perspective, the ranking is reasonable.

although. He has achieved a high box office, but without an international award certification, when everyone ranks him, it is impossible to place it in a high position. .

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