Chapter 1430 Stupid man behind the scenes

Just because he didn’t plan to attend this conference from the beginning, he didn’t conduct too much investigation on the matter.

But today I learned from the agent’s mouth that after his TV series were to be reviewed at the conference, he was quite sure that there must be other people behind this incident.

Huo Ran thought of this and couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.

How stupid this person behind the scenes thinks of “Three One Zero” is that he actually feels that he still needs to be a reviewer when he knows that his work has already participated in the review.

Could it be that you have always been so proud of other people’s scams, even if you are designing some conspiracy and tricks, are you reluctant to think a little bit more?

Huo Ran shook his head helplessly, and threw the matter behind his head.

What kind of thoughts the black hands behind the scenes have, and what they want to do to her, it has been clearly revealed from the present, the purpose is to pour a basin of dirty water on his body, which will never be cleaned. .

The only thing that makes Huo Ran curious is who is planning these things, but he will not personally intervene in the investigation of such things, anyway, the agent has now begun to have doubts.

It won’t be long before the agent is able to wipe out the truth of this matter.

At that time, he will make those who dare to design him pay a heavy price.

A touch of coldness flashed in the control eyes.

All developments are as expected by Huo Ran.

When the agent didn’t realize that there was a conspiracy at first, he really didn’t. I think this invitation has a very good effect for Huo Ran.

But after he realizes that there are conspiracies and tricks in it, the efficiency of the agent’s actions will become extremely rapid.

In just one day of Kung Fu, he has already confirmed this time, the person behind the scenes who shot Huo Ran’s Golden Order.

After receiving the news, the agent delivered the news to Huo Ran in the shortest possible time.

After hearing that the designer was the Golden Order, he let out a sigh.

“I originally thought that even if the two of us couldn’t be friends, at least they would be considered an excellent partner. Why would he treat me with such an attitude?”

After hearing Huo Ran’s words, the agent fell into silence.

He can generally understand what the Golden Order is thinking about, but it is not good for him to respond to Huo Ran under the current situation.

Zhiran did not immerse himself in the sad emotions. For too long, he stood up and started wiping the door and walking outside.

The agent hurriedly stopped Huo Ran when he saw Huo Ran.

“Where are you going?”

Huo Ran’s face was full of indifference.

“Of course I have to look for the Golden Order and make all these things clear. After all, the other party has already put their ideas on me. Of course, I have to counterattack the other party 1.8.”

After a cold snort, Huo Ran walked towards the door again.

The agent took Huo Ran’s arm and persuaded him.

“Or forget it, even if you are looking for the past now, it will not help the development of the matter. If the other party still seizes your handle because of this matter, it will be a loss for us. What happened.”

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