Chapter 1431 Forget it

For the agent, he does not want Huo Ran to suffer more damage in this matter.

After all, the other party is not an upright person, who knows whether the other party will make other preparations after Huo Ran finds it.

A careless move is likely to spill more dirty water on Huo Ran’s body.

Huo Ran just smiled and shook his head after hearing these worried words from the agent.

“Even if it is to fight for my future in the entertainment industry, I can’t let others do it to me.”

“If I endure this incident today, who knows if someone else will hit me with homework in the future, should I tolerate every one of them?”

Huo Ran’s words have begun to stand out. After the agent sighed a bit of questioning from the agent, he had to let go of his finger.

“Okay, I already know, but you are not allowed to be too impulsive in this matter, let alone act at the opponent casually.”

He just gave a faint smile and didn’t reply to the agent.

Now he has not seen the Golden Order, and he still has no idea about the attitude of the Golden Order, and he can’t guarantee that if he sees the golden order of unrepentant appearance, will he lose control of his double arm?

The agent’s worried eyes always accompanied Huo Ran, closing the door and then taking it back.

After wandering around the room for several days, he quickly rushed into the company’s public relations department.

Although Huo Ran is going to participate in the review recently, this matter has made a lot of noise on the Internet, but the agent said from the beginning that there is no need to invest too much energy in this matter, so they have a good time. It’s easy.

Now seeing the anxious face of the agent walk in, the hearts of these public relations department personnel began to sink.

Did something say something?

The agent’s palm slapped a few times, and after attracting everyone’s attention, he said to them.

“Next, you started to bring rhythm on the Internet. You said that you invited Huo Ran’s TV series to participate in the review. At the same time, you also invited Huo Ran as a reviewer. This is a huge conspiracy. The purpose is to exercise and splash him with dirty water. ”

After hearing this statement from the agent, the employees of the public relations department began to show surprise in their eyes looking at the agent.

Why do you want to wear such a rhythm?

The person in charge who was more familiar with the agent walked in front of the agent and persuaded him.

“This kind of rhythm is not good, but if we are not careful, we may offend the organizers behind the scenes.”

“Regardless of whether they will offend or not, we must bring this rhythm, otherwise it will bring us a great 310 crisis.”

The agent said in a calm voice.

Although the agent didn’t explain to Xiaobai, Xiaobai knew this matter as he looked at the agent’s gloomy face, I was afraid it would be troublesome.

He didn’t dare to waste time with his agent anymore, and quickly let his subordinates start various preparations.

It is very simple for a public relations department to bring a rhythm.

It was only half a time when Huo Ran entered the Golden Order Company, but the discussion on the conspiracy on the Internet began to continuously improve, and even began to reach the tenth place in the hot search rankings.

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