Chapter 1444 Leave it to you

Huo Ran saw the agent’s expression of excitement, before he had time to speak, the agent hugged him in his arms.

Seeing how his own agent looked like this, Huo Ran really wanted to put his foot on the agent’s body.

What is this man suddenly going crazy here?

“Huo Ran, I have found out. You guy is my service provider. Don’t worry, I will definitely support any decision you make in the future. It is absolutely impossible to make any opposition to you~”

The agent showed Huo Ran’s loyalty.

Huo Ran looked at the agent suspiciously.

“What are you trying to say?”

“Don’t you know what I said?”

The agent’s face is still full of smiles.

The one person he has taken is countless, and PR has always been the most troublesome thing for him.

Bad public relations may lead to the complete destruction of the artist.

Countless people in the entertainment industry have been ruined due to public relations issues.

Originally, after Huo Ran broke out that he had beaten the Golden Order, he thought he needed to face the result of Huo Ran’s reputation plummeting.

Unexpectedly, Huo Ran actually prepared the relevant videos.

With these videos, not to mention that Huo Ran’s reputation will be affected. It is estimated that after this event is over, Huo Ran’s reputation will be further improved.

How can this not make him excited?

It would be great if all his artists could be as smart as Zhiran in the future.

“The purpose of your coming to this place is to explain to me the official Golden Order, so you don’t need to speak anymore.”

Said indifferently.

His attitude is in stark contrast with the agent’s attitude, as if this incident is impossible to cause any ripples in his heart.

“I have handed over all the videos to you. If you can’t solve this problem with the video data so solid, then I have to consider whether there is any problem with the strength of your agent. .”

After saying this, Huo Ran placed his finger on the agent’s shoulder, pushed him away by half a meter, and sat back on his chair again.

The agent looked at Huo Ran coldly, and only felt that his heart was in pain.

…Please ask for flowers………

This guy is too cold-blooded!

Who is this excitement for now?

Unfortunately, when he was just about to approach Huo Ran again, Huo Ran ran over with a cold gaze, and the agent silently retracted his palm, not daring to have more stalemate with Huo Ran on this matter.


Since Huo Ran didn’t want to put too much energy into this matter, he simply turned his attention back to working as an agent and said again.

“If the Huo Ran incident breaks out, people in the entertainment industry will definitely treat you with extremely high pity, then do you have any other thoughts in your heart?”

Huo Ran looked at the agent strangely.

“I don’t need them to have any connection, and the improvement in people’s livelihood brought about by this incident is nothing worthy of my concern.”

“My work is fundamentally based in the entertainment industry, so you don’t need to take this opportunity to hype me. What I need is to step down to the top of the entertainment industry.” ,

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