Chapter 1445 100 plans

The agent also wants to persuade Huo Ran a few more words. In his opinion, this will be an excellent opportunity for Huo Ran’s reputation.

Unfortunately, as soon as he opened his mouth, the agent interrupted him.

“I will leave the rest to you. I am going to prepare for the filming of My Heart TV series from tomorrow. Don’t bother me with such unnecessary things.”


The agent’s face was full of “three, two, three”, it was a surprise.

“Your documentary has just finished showing the highest popularity. Why should you be so anxious?

“Why not in a hurry, I hope that when I withdraw from the entertainment industry, I can take out at least a hundred classic works in my hand. Up to now, these works are only four or five. If you are not in a hurry, It is estimated that by the day I retire, I will not be able to finish this matter.

A hundred?

The agent’s mouth twitched a few times, but in the end he didn’t say anything to express the irony of Huo Ran’s thoughts.

After all, every work of Huo Ran Money can be called a classic, and he is not qualified to show a mocking attitude towards Huo Ran.

But even if that was the case, he still felt that Huo Yongran’s idea was too far-reaching.

What if it can’t be done?

Or in other words, what should I do if I start to become more and more anxious under the pressure of this ideal of patience!

Although he has countless worries in his heart, seeing the cold look of Huo Ran’s clothes, he also knows that his worries can’t leave the slightest trace in Huo Ran’s heart.

After the agent sighed, he had to return the silence of this place to Huo Ran.

Forget it, Huo Ran is destined to become the pinnacle figure in film history. Apart from helping Huo Ran achieve this goal faster, there is no need to hold back on these things.

At this time, the manager of the public relations department hurriedly walked in front of the agent and handed his mobile phone to the agent.

“But if you take a good look, the content on this is all posted by people in the Golden Order of the Order Company. Now it has started to generate enthusiasm on the Internet.”

You picked up the phone and forgot to find out that the other party started wanting Huo Ran on the Internet.

【Huo Ran, no matter how strong he is, what can he do, but he is a guy who hits people casually, a person full of tyrannical tendencies! What qualifications does this have to continue to stay in the entertainment industry? 】

[I also think that the current atmosphere of the entertainment industry is too unhappy, but as an actor, a job assignment, shouldn’t you leave a good impression in front of everyone? How can Huo Ran do beatings?][I now find that my previous views on Huo Ran are all wrong. This guy is a guy who doesn’t put others in his eyes because of his own talents. People like this should start from the entertainment industry. Leave in!]

These items were listed by the manager of the public relations department

The agent noticed these blog posts. They are all released for different 1.8 accounts, and the number of fans is only a few dozen. In everyone’s eyes, it seems that most of the accounts with these characteristics are real accounts.

Seeing such a thing, the agent’s eyes began to show a flaming fighting spirit.

The battle began.

In the next time, every step taken is the top priority for them. .

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