Chapter 1446 Just look at it

The public relations manager looked at the agent, smiled and asked, “Boss, what shall we do next?”

“These rhythms have not been brought up yet, but if we continue to wait, it is very likely that they will eventually give us a head-on attack.”

“Recently, the Internet has started to promote Huo Ran as a very proud person. Everyone said that Nai Ran never gave face to those seniors.”

“If this matter continues to ferment, I am afraid that the previous slander 12 will be considered true by everyone.

When the public relations manager said this, he also felt quite a headache.

In the recent period, they have been mobilizing all their contacts, trying to reverse the image of Huo Ran in the minds of the public.

At least it can’t make everyone feel extremely proud of Huo Ran.

This incident was considered to have achieved initial results, but it turned out to happen again.

According to his experience of staying in the industry for so many years, since some people on the Internet have begun to say that Huo Ran hits people, it is very likely that the other party will have relevant proof in his hands.

Even if it is not possible to completely confirm that the person who beat him is Huo Ran, at least it can be inferred from a series of evidence that that person is indeed Huo Ran.

Otherwise, it is impossible for someone to bring this kind of rhythm online for no reason.

If this kind of rhythm is not well carried, it is prone to overturning. Not only will it not affect Huo Ran, but it may even cause the public to contact Huo Ran.

In the past few years, after the public relations industry has summarized this series of cases, it has rarely done similar things.

The agent smiled and said, looking at the public relations manager worried about Zhongxin.

“It’s okay, the heat of this matter is not high enough. You don’t need to worry about it. When more and more people begin to discuss the affairs of Director Huo Ran, you will deliberately start these issues in a higher heat direction. promote.”

“Huh?” The public relations manager looked at the agent in surprise, unbelievable that he would say something like this from his mouth.

What is going on here, can it be said that the agent and Huo Ran are already in a state of tearing down each other?

Otherwise, why would the agent have a black hand against Huo Ran among multiple people?

“Do you find it difficult to understand what I’m doing?” The agent asked the public relations manager with a smile.

The public relations manager hesitated and nodded.

“If we continue to increase the popularity of this matter, when we want to prove innocence, that will be even more difficult.”

“Knowing our conventional handling method, shouldn’t 323 be to suppress this matter? If possible, even the root information platform needs to directly contact each other and ask them not to post similar content.”

“No, I can’t explain the specific situation to you. You just need to follow my requirements.” The agent smirked.

Despite the confusion of the public relations manager, he did not continue to explain, but signaled that he could leave from this place.

After the public relations manager sighed helplessly, he nodded to the agent and pushed the door and walked out.

In any case, although he is worried about Huo Ran’s reputation, he has nothing to do. .

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