Chapter 1471 Bad reputation to the extreme

“Then you mean, I have become a puddle of stinky shit in the entertainment industry now, so that everyone can avoid it?” Huo Ran’s mouth was drawn with a mocking smile.

“Although your statement seems a bit too vulgar, but I also have to admit that this statement is quite accurate.” The agent said with a smile.

“Okay, if that’s the case, let’s talk about our clarification. After all, I don’t want everyone to look at me with a 12 kinds of cautious attitudes when facing me. Anyway, this matter is today. It should also be able to make those people who are thinking about me in the entertainment room, take a good look, I am not an easy mess with Huo Ran.”

After dropping this sentence lightly, Huo Ran pointed to the door of the room and signaled that the agent could leave his room.

The most important thing for him is to run all the remaining scripts in the fastest time. As for these public relations matters, it is enough to leave the agent to handle.

After all, he also paid the agent extremely generously.

Looking at Huo Ran’s attitude, the agent couldn’t help but spit out a few times, but he couldn’t say more, so he got up and walked outside.

He just took a few steps, Huo Ran’s cell phone rang, and the agent’s feet paused slightly before turning his head to look at Dian Ran.

He found that after Huo Ran got on the phone, a bright smile appeared on his face, which was a huge gap from the time he had faced him before.

Could it be that Huo Ran had already talked about his girlfriend without his knowledge?

This thought came to mind, and the agent re-sit back to his original position with a sudden change.

This action by the agent made Huo Ran’s brows wrinkled again. He pointed to the door of the room and signaled the agent to get out of here quickly, but it is a pity that today’s agent is obviously not as obedient as he used to be.

When he knew that something else appeared on Huo Ran’s body, it was absolutely impossible for him to step away from Huo Ran. He still sat firmly on the chair, waiting for Huo Ran to hang up the phone. Off.

Huo Ran commanded the agent a few times, and found that he could not instruct him at all, he had no choice but to sigh, and continued to focus his attention on the other end of the phone.

This call is from Bibing.

After seeing the news about Huo Ran on the Internet, she began to fall into anxiety and called Chen Jialu, indicating that these things Chen Jialu did were too much and asked him to be within the fastest time. Spread all the relevant information back.

But Chen’s 337 Lu only ridiculed her, ignored her at all, and even took the opportunity to make a request. As long as Bingbing was willing to accompany him all night, then he would settle the matter.

After hearing what Chen Jialu said, Bingbing immediately chose to hang up, hesitated a few times, and finally dialed the phone to Huo Ran’s mobile phone.

“How should this matter be handled by Huo Ran? I feel that there are other behind-the-scenes behind this matter. The popularity of this news has increased too quickly!” Bibing said in a gentle, anxious voice on the phone. It keeps coming out of it. .

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