Chapter 1472 Treat indifferently

Huo Ran couldn’t help but put a bright smile on the corner of his mouth when he heard the words of Bibing.

Bibing is showing concern for him.

“Don’t worry, I will take care of this matter, and this increase in popularity is not entirely a bad thing. It may be that my people continue to push the popularity higher.”

Huo Ran originally didn’t intend to tell these things to others, but since Bianbing expressed such concern about this matter, Huo Ran definitely might as well explain the matter to her in detail.

Sure enough, a surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

“Why is this? Why do you want to increase the popularity, don’t you worry that this matter will cause you trouble?”

“Of course not. Anyway, don’t worry, this matter will be resolved smoothly within today, and no one will scold me on the Internet.”

After Huo Ran calmed down a few more words, Bingbing finally suppressed the worries in his heart, and the two people’s phone calls were hung up.

When the Huo Ran center turned his attention back to the agent, he found that the agent was constantly scanning his body with a rather weird look. Huo Ran asked with a slightly frowned brow.

“What are you doing,”?”

“A big agent has made such a strange appearance, don’t you think your current actions are too ridiculous?”

The agent pointed to himself, with disbelief on his face.

“Do you mean that I am too weird now?”

“Are your ears bad? I have repeated them all, but I still haven’t heard them clearly.” When Huo Ran faced the broker, he was obviously not as gentle as he was in the face of Pancake, and he was rude to the broker. Human tongue.

The agent was holding his chest, and his face showed eager tears.

“I didn’t expect that when I held you to where you are today, you would treat me with such a cold attitude. Are you really worthy of me?”

Regarding the virtue of his own agent, Huo Ran just put his hands on his chest, and looked at the agent coldly.

Don’t think he can’t see it, this guy is just showing off his great side.

“If you have anything to say, you can speak honestly, don’t continue to delay in this place, Laozi is very busy now.” Huo Ran said coldly.

His patience was almost exhausted by his own agent. Upon seeing this, the agent instantly recovered his expression and asked Huo Ran seriously.

“. “I just heard you call the name of Bingbing on the phone. You are not planning to tell me your relationship with Bingbing’s boyfriend and girlfriend, right?”

The agent frowned at the end of the conversation.

Now the scandals about Huo Ran and Bianbing on the Internet continue to spread. Many people think that the system (okay) is mixed with Bianbing because Bianbing is a guy without any connotation. , Otherwise, how could you choose such a coquettish female star.

But because they don’t have too many real hammers, just those things about Chen Jialu, Huo Ran fans are still forcibly fighting against those keyboard men.

But if it really breaks out that Huo Ran and Bingbing are in love, it is estimated that those fans will have a large area of ​​fanfare. .

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