Chapter 1493 You should study more

It is no wonder that Huo Ran was previously able to slander Huo Ran. Such a person is simply a person whose moral bottom line is extremely low.

The subordinate broke away from the control of Jin Xunjie in a single action, and planned to continue walking towards the door of the room. He didn’t plan to continue the argument with the shameless guy like Jin Xunjie.

But the Golden Order at this moment, after experiencing the previous series of blows, was fragile to the extreme, and now these words spoken by his subordinates had a great impact on him.

He rushed forward again and stopped his subordinates reluctantly.

“Tell you, if you didn’t give me a reasonable explanation today, you should never think about leaving in front of my 357. This is simply impossible!”

“Why do you people say that my work is not good? You are what the audience said before the audience’s inspection, but what you guys said is just the words of the family.”

“You have to apologize to me, otherwise I will go to the association to make a complaint against you!”

The family members had not had time to speak. At this moment, the upward voice from outside had attracted the attention of several people in Wen Yitian. They pushed the door and walked out, and asked the subordinates in a voice.

“what happened?”

The subordinates smoothly got rid of the control of the Golden Order this time, walked in front of Wen Yitian, and said respectfully.

“Sorry boss, the Golden Order refused to accept his lack of film quality and insisted on arguing with me here.

After Wen Yitian heard these words from his subordinates, he began to show disgust in his eyes looking at the Golden Order.

“The quality of your work is indeed insufficient. Instead of conflicting with my assistant here, you might as well go back and learn how to make a movie!’

Wen Yiyi’s remarks didn’t have the slightest affection to leave, and the people beside Wen Yiyi laughed scornfully.

After getting the evaluation of his subordinates, the whole person of the Golden Order was on the verge of collapse. Now Wen Yitian’s words have completely broken his sanity, and he instantly furious at Wen Yitian (bcbi). Roared.

“What are you talking nonsense?”

“I tell you, if you dare to evaluate me in this way, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

While Jinxunjie said, shaking his fists, it seemed that he might hit Wenyitian’s cheek with his fist.

The laughter of the people was all collected at this moment, and the eyes looking at the Golden Order seemed to be looking at a fool.

Does this guy know who he is facing, and dare to threaten Wen Yitian.

Doesn’t this guy worry that he will be banned by the Film Association?

No matter where Wen Yitian goes on weekdays, everyone must show respect to him as the president of the Film Association. He has never seen any director dare to face it in this way of the Golden Order. he.

Wen Yitian’s complexion also began to turn more and more green.

“What? Are you still hitting me?”

After the Golden Order came down, watching everyone’s attitude greatly changed, he realized that he seemed to be in trouble, but the matter had reached the present level, and he couldn’t directly choose to show weakness.

He sneered and said to Wen Yitian.

“I don’t dare to hit you. After all, you are the president of the film association. Who dares to provoke you on this kind of thing?”,

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