Chapter 1494 Provoke the chairman

“If you accidentally banned me, wouldn’t I be able to stay in this industry?”

In order to prevent Wen Yitian from stumbling, Jinxunjie simply stated what Wen Yitian might do.

Wen Yitian’s face began to become more and more ashen.

This guy really doesn’t hesitate to think from the worst angle~like him.

“So what?” Wen Yitian continued to be composed-voice asked.

“So, you just tell me clearly where exactly this movie of mine is inserted. If you don’t finish talking about these things, then I will sue you for the damage to my reputation. See if you, the president of the Film Association, can continue to do it!”

At this time, the words spoken by the Golden Order, it was already a naked threat that was being heard one day, and the atmosphere between the two sides began to become more and more turbulent.

None of the people present dared to speak anymore, and they only had one thought in their hearts: This guy at the Golden Order is really awesome, and he dared to provoke Wen Yitian!

It seems that this guy really doesn’t plan to continue mixing in this industry in the next time.

“Okay, since you don’t want to ask me where exactly this movie of yours is inserted? Then I can explain to you in detail.” Wen Yiming’s mouth showed a cold smile.

Since the other party had to die, he didn’t mind letting him take this opportunity to make a name for the entire directors’ guild.

When the time comes, once someone knows what happened in the Directors Guild today, he will want to see if anyone has continued to invite Jinxun Festival to film.

The Golden Order was originally able to say those words, but he only expected Wen Yiming to show weakness in front of him. After all, the words Wen Yiming just said that made him go back to study may affect his follow-up work.

But I didn’t expect that Wen Yiming, under the current situation, would still dare not say the slightest thing. He planned to directly tell what went wrong in his movie and tell it to the public.

A bit of anxiety began to develop in the heart of the Golden Order. Picking faults in this world was originally the simplest thing. As long as everyone is willing, no matter how rigorous the preparations are, they may be picked by others. Something went wrong.

…For flowers…………

Jin Xunjie deliberately wanted to retreat from Wen Yiming, but Wen Yiming didn’t give him any chance, so he spoke directly.

“First of all, your movie has a great problem from ideological issues. Don’t you believe that there are good people in this world? Your overall tone is based on interests, which is not in line with it. The atmosphere of our holiday, even if possible, I have to wonder if you have received money from other people, so

Deliberately discredit the lives of our country!”

What Wen Yiming said is too heavy to think. If such a thing is really spread, the reputation of the Golden Order in everyone’s eyes will be completely destroyed in the future. Of course, compared to this point of answer. That’s not too bad.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Jin Xunjie roared furiously.

“Is there any nonsense in the end? You know in your heart that if I am talking nonsense, then you tell me why in your movie, those who are willing to accept mobilization are mostly for money?” Son,

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