Chapter 323 Only pay money but not famous (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Kong Jing heard the words, her eyes were slightly bright, she should be a little moved, but she did not directly respond to Huo Ran’s words, but asked rhetorically: “According to what you said, in fact, there is no annual general election. Does it make sense?”

Hearing this, he shook his head slightly: “I didn’t say that, but I think the performance should only serve as one of the criteria for considering whether the members have really worked hard in the past year, not all of them.

In other words, in the past year, if a member has not obtained any resources from the company in the past year, why do you expect her to get a good ranking in this year’s general election?”

Kong Jing nodded 533 without understanding, “I actually thought about this question before. In the final analysis, the original S48 company’s assessment standards were too rough, but I have no idea how to change it. ”

“It’s not that difficult. Set up a comprehensive evaluation system, digitize resources, and use the overall ranking as a reference.

For example, if you set up a standard, a member who won 10 resources last year, then she should have at least what kind of ranking this year. How many rankings should the value 12 have. If it exceeds expectations, increase resources, and reduce resources if it falls short of expectations. ”

When Kong Jing heard the words, she thought for a while, and when she looked at Huo Ran again, a special meaning of inexplicability was added to her eyes.

“Specific” Kong Jing just wanted to ask something more, but the door of the president’s office was knocked from outside.

Hearing the knock on the door, Kong Jing frowned slightly: “Please come in.”

The next moment, the door of the president’s office was pushed open, and Huo Ran was a little surprised by the people coming in.

“Brother Yu!” Huo Ran couldn’t help calling out.

The young man who opened the door followed the prestige and saw Huo Ran sitting in the boss chair. He was also slightly surprised. He immediately smiled and said, “Yifan.”

Immediately, she glanced at Kong Jing who was sitting on the yoga mat, and smiled: “Didn’t you bother you?

Isn’t the person who came in is Kong Jing’s assistant Yu Ge?

When Kong Jing heard this question from Brother Yu, she suddenly thought that she had “thrown into Huo Ran’s arms” last year, and was hit by Brother Yu (bcbh) with a serious embarrassment, and her cheeks turned red and white. Gave Yu Ge a glance.

Huo Ran had long forgotten about this kind of thing, and he gave a heartless smile: “Where can I interrupt you. By the way, Brother Yu, where have you been recently? I almost forgot about it. You are now.”

What Zhiran said should be regarded as the truth, Yu Ge, the sense of existence is really too low.

“I think you are not about to forget, but you have already forgotten.” Yu Ge said with a smile.

Zhiran was dismantled by Brother Yu, a little awkwardly touched his nose, then scratched his head.

“Since I bought the women’s team, he has helped contact the business. It was too busy lately, you didn’t ask, I forgot to say it.”

Kong Jing explained to Huo Ran, and immediately looked at Brother Yu: “How is it with you?”

Brother Yu seemed to have been asked by Kong Jing about “sadness”, sighed, and smiled, “This summer is over, and the big talent shows are gone. Only some reality shows are left.

But you also know that in reality shows, it makes sense for some famous celebrities to go up. When they were in the original company, even if they were members of the Seven Gods, they could only be a small transparent guest. They only paid money and were not famous. ”

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