Chapter 324 Reality show (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Although Brother Yu and Kong Jing didn’t say anything to Huo Ran in detail, Huo Ran still heard the content of the conversation between the two and couldn’t help but interject: “Did Brother Yu find variety shows for the women’s group?”

Upon hearing this, Brother Yu smiled and nodded to Huo Ran.

Kong Jing pondered for a moment, and then said to her brother: “The reality show is a reality show. It’s better than nothing. This concert is also quite successful. We will send some more variety shows to the reality show, such as Jiang Cai. Let them not carry it before you go, and the effect should be better than in the previous S48 period.”

It’s not that Kong Jing deliberately ignored Huo Ran, but in her subconscious, Huo Ran, who has never participated in variety shows.

It won’t help with the recording of variety shows. Huo Ran makes music for the girl group and himself. This kind of thing is beyond his ability.

“That, interrupt.” Huo Ran couldn’t help hearing Kong Jing’s decision directly, and said-said.

“Huh?” Kong Jing and Yu Ge looked at Huo Ran.

“Generally, for variety shows like reality shows, flying guests go to promote works, right?” Huo Ran asked tentatively: “For example, new drama promotion, new movie promotion?”

Kong Jing was stunned when she heard the words, and then shook her head: “It’s not all, I’ve been on “Extreme Run” once, and “Brother’s Challenge” last time. They all promoted the new album, and the effect was quite satisfactory. of.”

“How is the girl group’s new album going to be released? Is the concert live?” Huo Ran asked again.

Kong Jing pondered for a moment and replied: “The LIVE album is released as a limited edition. After all, the collection value of physical albums is higher than the value of use. It is still based on the single nature of the playlist to produce virtual MP3s. Of course, they are all from the concert. The song is just a special recording, and then you will have to supervise the whole process.

Huo Ran nodded slightly: “The overseers and the others recorded the album as part of my job, but sister, with all due respect, sent a member of the girl group to a reality show to recommend their team’s single playlist. It is good to buy the recommended bit on the music player software.

When Yu Ge heard this, he nodded with deep conviction.

“How come, I was”

Kong Jing wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Huo Ran: “You are a person, not a team, and when you participated in the reality show, you were not a newcomer, right?”

Kong Jing was speechless for a while, indeed, as Huo Ran said, when she participated in the reality show for the first time, it was to promote her third album.

…Please ask for flowers……….

At that time, Kong Jing’s first two albums sold very well.

Seeing Kong Jing’s default, Huo Ran said: “So you actually don’t know how much sales that reality show has helped you increase.”

Kong Jing still remained silent, because of Huo Ran’s words, she was still speechless.

“To be honest, I think going on a reality show to promote a new album has no effect at all.” Huo Ran said: “At least I watch a reality show. I will not pay attention to the new album released by a guest flying guest, but will feel disgusted.

On the contrary, the channels I listen to new songs are all from the player’s recommendation and the ranking of the leaderboard. Because knowing the quality of a song is more straightforward and simpler than knowing the quality of TV shows and movies. ”

Brother Yu also agreed and said: “I think the same is true. The songs of our concert this time are all fine products. It is not difficult to make the list. You don’t even need to buy a recommended place for the playback software. Going to the reality show to promote it is unnecessary.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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