Chapter 325 United Front (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

When Kong Jing saw that these two men were “united front”, she couldn’t help rolling her eyelids: “Then you can’t do nothing. Strike while the iron is hot!”

After hearing this, I couldn’t help but smile: “Then we can just shoot film and television dramas directly.

“Filming a movie?” Kong Jing and Yu Ge couldn’t help but glance at each other when they heard the words, and then looked at Huo Ran and couldn’t help shaking their heads.

“Any problem?” Huo Ran asked.

Kong Jing glanced at Brother Yu, and she looked like “Five Three Three” and said to Brother: “You come and explain to this silly boy.”

Brother Yu nodded and looked at Huo Ran: “Let’s talk about the movie first. In our current situation, we can’t afford a high-quality movie at all. We don’t persuade Huadao and the later stage, and we don’t talk about renting venues and hiring staff. cost.

In terms of reviewing and arranging films, it is a difficult task. This is an era of commercial movies. There are no major starring roles, and the box office can’t go up, so you can only lose money. It is possible that the word of mouth will be ruined before it is released. ”

Huo Ran heard the words and nodded slightly: “What about making a TV series?”

“The situation of TV series is not much better. For a TV series that is produced in general, the investment will not be small because of the number of stages. Moreover, TV series are reviewed as a whole, and the review time is longer than that of movies.

And even if it passes the audit, it is not possible to have money to be able to get the files, after all, most TV stations’ TV series are scheduled one year in advance. “Ge Yu said.

“What about online movies or online dramas?” Huo Ran asked again unwillingly.

Brother Yu nodded. He seemed to have known that Huo Ran would have such a question. He replied: “For review and shifting, web dramas can indeed be faster, but web dramas basically have no profit. Clicks, traffic, and word of mouth None becomes money, and there is very little advertising revenue.”

Speaking of this, Kong Jing nodded slightly: “Before S48, their company also established a film company. They filmed two online movies and two online dramas. Because they are pure newcomers, they are not only unprofitable, it can be said that they are even word-of-mouth. No, because the playback volume is so pitiful.”

Kong Jing’s words made Huo Ran nod and ponder. After all, he has done a lot of related homework recently. Indeed, as Kong Jing said, he also happened to know the two web dramas and two web movies originally shot by S48.

To be honest, Huo Ran thinks that the filming is good, from acting to creative, but as Kong Jing said, no one will watch it.

Kong Jing still knows Huo Ran very well. Seeing Huo Ran’s look, she asked: “Did you have the idea of ​​making a web drama or a web movie?”

After hearing the words, I just smiled and didn’t immediately answer Huo Ran’s question. Instead, he asked: “If I shoot a film and television series, it is not for profit, just to promote the women’s group members, how much resources is the company willing to provide?”

Hearing Huo Ran’s question, Kong Jing and Yu Ge looked at each other, with unconcealed worried expressions on their faces.

“My brother, I think, after all, a person’s experience is limited. Instead of spending your experience on things you are not good at, you can write and sing with peace of mind.”

Speaking of this, Kong Jing’s words paused, as if she was worried that what she said was too harsh, Huo Ran didn’t like to listen, so she added: “Besides, filming is not a matter of 1.7 overnight. The water in this line is compared with the music circle. It’s much deeper. If you are really interested, you might as well wait until you graduate from Beixi Opera to make plans.”

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