Chapter 327 Low cost (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Even if you have 8 million in your hand, as far as I know, nowadays, for an ordinary drama to be produced, except for the actors’ pay, the 40-minute single episode also has a budget of 600,000. In other words, with the money you have, it’s amazing to be able to make eleven or two episodes of online drama. ”

“It doesn’t take that much. I want to make a low-cost online movie first.” Huo Ran said with a smile.

“Low cost? Now everyone makes online dramas and online movies, and they spend as much money as possible to produce them at a low cost.” Yu Ge wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Huo Ran waved his hand.

“This matter, if you don’t know it for a while, you will understand it later.”

Huo Ran smiled and looked at the two of them: “I’m just now, I’m in charge of shooting things, can you guys be responsible for taking care of things other than shooting things?”

Hearing what Huo Ran said, Kong Jing and Brother Yu couldn’t help but look at each other. However, seeing Huo Ran persisting in this way, Kong Jing was the first to soften her heart and nodded: “Okay, when will you start? How to cooperate?”

“My summer balance is running out. The sooner I can start, the better,” Huo Ran cast a grateful look at Kong Jing, and immediately said: “What is needed, I will give you a list later. .”

Seeing Huo Ran’s energetic appearance, Kong Jing couldn’t help sighing inwardly.

Although Huo Ran is so confident, Kong Jing is still not optimistic about what Huo Ran wants to do. She is the only daughter of the entertainment king. In the past two decades, she has seen so many confident film and television workers. The halberd is in the film and television drama circle.

However, speaking, it is only seven or eight million. It may not be a bad thing for Huo Ran to learn a lesson at this time. He is still young and suffers a loss at this time. It is better than when his wealth is hundreds of millions. .

Kairan really showed a jaw-dropping vigor, and the day after the Rebirth Project concert ended, the casting work was started in Block A of the Vong City International.

What makes Kong Jing and Yu both feel incredible is that Huo Ran has recruited two directors for casting. This may not be surprising, but the point is that the two directors are two crews.

In other words, Huo Ran wants to shoot two things at the same time.

Is he crazy?

After Kong Jing knew the news, she found Huo Ran the first time.

But before she could say anything, Huo Ran was the first to speak: “Sister, see if you can ask your dad to have an acting teacher who is a little more professional. More than 300 women’s group members, There are only seven or eight acting, which is not enough. Although the women’s group is the main singer and dancing, these years, all-round entertainers are more popular.”

When Kong Jing heard the words, she gave Huo Ran a roll of eyes without hesitation: “Who told you to shoot two at the same time, do you panic with too much money? You may not have enough money for a drama, so you can shoot two at the same time. I really don’t understand what you think!”

“. “It’s different. ”

Zhiran said: “I am currently shooting mainly online movies. This is the low-cost movie I told you before. It is not intended to make money or word-of-mouth. The main thing is to sell our girl group brand. After the brand is played.

There will be no shortage of buyers for another web drama being filmed. This web drama is different. Everything is shot with high standards. Of course, the progress is relatively slow (Li Haozhao).

“Don’t you think you are too idealistic?” Kong Jing just wanted to preach. Seeing Huo Ran’s left ear coming in and right ear coming out again, she sighed: “Okay, I get it. .

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