Chapter 328 Film and television base (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Although she is not optimistic about Huo Ran, Kong Jing said she supports Huo Ran, and she really does her best to support Huo Ran.

No, on the day of July 27th, hundreds of people from two crews belonging to Jingxiang Entertainment and Huo Ran as the chief producer came to Tengyun Film and Television Base.

Just listening to this name, many readers can guess that this film and television base was invested and constructed by the entertainment king Zhao Tengyun.

At present, almost half of this film and television base is used by the two crews of Jingxiang Entertainment.

Of course, thanks to Kong Jing.

Not only that, Kong Jing made up for any cast and crew that the two crews lacked, which made Huo Ran less worried. 537

Before the filming of half of the film and television dramas, the opening ceremony is held. First, it is a good luck, and second, it is to promote the outside world to let the outside world know what is going to be filmed.

Huo Ran originally hated all kinds of formalism, so he was actually very resistant to the opening ceremony.

But reluctantly, the two directors and the insistence of the director Kong Jing finally agreed to a simple start-up ceremony.

But, isn’t it about keeping everything simple?

I glanced at the two senior directors who were full of red faces on the stage with a satisfied expression, then glanced at the troupe of reporters who were holding “Long Guns and Cannons”. They couldn’t help being a little dumbfounded.

Looking at Brother Yu, who was the temporary guest host, was stuffing red envelopes in the hands of the reporters, Huo Ran sighed slightly in his heart. Kong Jing, a cheap sister, always mocked the money she would lose in filming and would lose. Cry father and mother, but in fact, he is almost meticulous for his own sake.

It’s like this opening ceremony. Isn’t she afraid that no one will look at the things she photographed? That’s why she has so many reporters to build momentum for her.

Kong Jing’s care for Huo Ran may seem clumsy, but it is definitely a product from the heart.

Huo Ran knows this point better than anyone else.

So Huo Ran clenched his fist lightly.

Just use reality to give her the best reward!

At this time, all the leading actors of the two dramas have to go on stage with the two directors, light firecrackers, set off pigeons, and then take off the red silk from the camera. This is the main process of the start-up ceremony.

As the lead actor, Huo Ran was about to take the stage, but he heard a yin and yang voice from the back of the media booth: “Huh, I laughed to death, what kind of crew is this, so poor, the two dramas share the same launch ceremony. This is the first time I have heard of this.”

Hearing this, Huo Ran turned his head a little displeased, but saw that a young man with yellow hair and watching the crowd said something like this.

As soon as he said what he said, the reporters around him nodded with deep conviction, and burst into low laughter.

Huo Ran frowned slightly. It seemed that the yellow-haired young man was not good at coming and was here to kick the court.

These two crews were formed by his defensive efforts. Naturally, Huo Ran’s feelings for the two crews made him unable to hear the maliciousness of the crew.

So, Huo Ran frowned slightly, and turned back to the yellow-haired guy: “The two crews produced by the same company, the same producer, and they started up on the same day. Many actors and cast members are interoperable. What’s weird about holding the opening ceremony at the same time? What? Besides, who has stipulated that the opening ceremony cannot be held by the two crews together?”

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