Chapter 333 Even the king of heaven dare to pit (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

Hearing what Huo Ran said so sincerely, Zeng Lianshun was also a little embarrassed, rubbing his hands, and said: “I will go to X country to hold a concert next Monday, I am afraid that I will not have much time to help you before I leave. ”

When Huo Ran heard that Zeng Lianshun was worried about such a thing, he couldn’t help but laughed, and then said to Zeng Lianshun, who was looking at him with a dumb face, “If you only worry about this thing, Uncle Zeng, I can say that you are totally overly concerned.

After a pause, Huo Ran smiled and said, “Although you are going to play the role of Emperor, in fact, there are only a dozen lines in total. At the level of your repetition, I estimate that you can record it in only half an hour. Finish.

When Zeng Lianshun heard what Huo Ran said, his originally scrupulous expression suddenly relaxed.

“That’s okay, but I’m afraid it’s too late today. How about tomorrow afternoon. My play will be at 3540. I will come to you at one point.”

A smile appeared on Zeng Lianshun’s face like a sign. This smile came from his heart. After all, before Huo Ran said this, he was still thinking about it.

Do you want to change the shooting schedule of your original drama, but filming and filming are planned. Once the schedule is changed, many things will be affected.


After Zeng Lianshun walked away, Brother Yu let out a “spraying” sound. Seeing Huo Ran cast a strange look, Brother Yu grinned and said, “I didn’t see it.”

“Don’t see anything?” Huo Ran blinked and asked.

Seeing that Huo Ran deliberately “pretended to be confused”, he smiled and gave Huo Ran a strong thumbs up: “Even the heavenly king dares to pit, admire it.

Hearing what Brother Yu said, Huo Ran finally scratched his head in embarrassment: “It’s not good to say that the pit is not good, but he moved a little bit. If he really can’t be a guest, he owes me a favor. Heavenly King. It’s priceless, so why care about the little money in Cuju Field?”

When Yu Ge heard the words, he nodded in agreement. It was indeed the person that the eldest lady liked. Although he was young, he knew better than many people in their 30s and 40s.

But I didn’t expect that just when Brother Yu had this idea, he saw Huo Ran asking with some worry: “Brother Yu, is it really so obvious? Even you can see it, will King Zeng Tian also be aware of it!”

July 28.

After Huo Ran finished his morning scene, he didn’t even care about working meals, so he went outside the crew.

It is already 12:30 (bcbh), and it is still half an hour away from the time agreed upon by himself and Zeng Tianwang. Due to the etiquette of his childhood, Huo Ran also feels that he should wait in advance and it is more appropriate to pick Zeng Tianwang into the group.

But at this moment, Huo Ran heard the sound of a quarrel at the corner of the fence not far away.

“Director Zhai, I think I have already expressed it very clearly. This scene will be finished in two days at most. After it is finished, I will return to Kyoto, so I won’t cooperate with you anymore.”

This is a girl’s voice. Huo Ran is a little moved by this girl’s voice. After all, Huo Ran is quite familiar with this voice. After all, the owner of this voice is in a cohabitation relationship with herself in the Beixi Opera, isn’t it Lin Qinyao? ?

She is also filming here? This is a coincidence.

Huo Ran just thought about it, and subconsciously walked over, then put his head across the wall and looked in the direction of the sound.

Lin Qinyao seemed to be a little angry at this time, Liu Brows were upright, her eyes were round, her face was reddish, Lin Qinyao’s look like Huo Ran was familiar, it was the last time she was in the Beixi Hotel when she saw her and Zhao Dongxu quarrel. Had a similar look.

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