Chapter 334 Can’t stand it anymore (see monthly ticket for full order)

Subconsciously, Huo Ran looked at the person who was opposed to Lin Qinyao.

It was a man. Although Huo Ran’s angle couldn’t see the man’s face, the yellow hair on his head made Huo Ran’s face sink.

At this moment, Huo Ran heard the voice of Huang Mao speaking: “Heh, isn’t he just an observer of the Beixi Opera, don’t you give me some air. I have never seen the woman whom Zhai Benben looked at. I have never seen you so unskilled .”

After all, the yellow-haired guy actually started directly and grabbed Lin Qin~Yao’s wrist.

Lin Qinyao’s face faded: “You let me go! Woo-ming”

Just as Lin Qinyao wanted to shout, the yellow-haired guy covered her mouth with her other hand.

“As long as you are obedient and obedient, you won’t be a hard-working little maid in the next play. I will directly let you play the second female number.”

This yellow-haired guy is obviously a habitual offender. No matter what he does or what he says, he doesn’t see any stumbling.

But even so, Huo Ran couldn’t stand it anymore.

Even if a strange girl encounters such a thing and is seen by Huo Ran, he will stop it.

What’s more, Lin Qinyao is still a classmate who has an extraordinary relationship with him?

Picking up a tile used for decoration by the flower pot fat on the roadside, Huo Ran rushed behind the yellow-haired guy named Zhai Benben as fast as he could, cursed an swear word, and then used all his strength to fiercely head towards Zhai Benben. The very eye-catching yellow hair was thrown up.

After all, this tile was only for decoration, not very hard. When it hit Zhai Benben’s head, it broke into several pieces.

But Zhai Benben didn’t know if his body was too weak, or because he was accustomed to being pampered in the usual way. This Zhai Benben didn’t smash him, and cried out “Oh!”

Seeing that Zhai Benben, who was still incomparably hideous in front of him at the previous moment, was knocked to the ground the next moment, Lin Qinyao subconsciously exclaimed.

“Are you okay?” Huo Ran asked.

Lin Qinyao, who was still in shock, noticed that the person standing in front of him was Huo Ran. Her tight heart suddenly relaxed, but she couldn’t control herself at all. She threw herself into Huo Ran’s arms and said “Wow”. Just cried.

In this situation, Huo Ran was also unsuccessful, so he had to gently pat Lin Qinyao on the back and said softly: “Okay, it’s okay, it’s okay.

Lin Qinyao cried for more than a minute. Huo Ran felt that the clothes on her chest were so cold. Lin Qinyao finally calmed down her emotions. She left Huo Ran’s embrace.

…Please ask for flowers………

“Why are you here. No, I mean, why are you here?” Lin Qinyao still didn’t seem to fully recover from the fright, and there were some prefaces that didn’t follow.

“My crew is next door.” Huo Ran smiled and said, “I was a little surprised. I didn’t expect you to be on the crew of “Legend of Cuju” next door. What a coincidence.”


“It’s really.” Lin Qinyao smiled and nodded: “Is your play all over or temporarily rested? I tell you, as a newcomer, you must not run too far, or you will lose a lot of opportunities. .”

Lin Qinyao persuaded very seriously.

Huo Ran heard it, but he secretly felt funny in his heart. This Lin Qinyao obviously regarded herself as a newcomer on the set just like her.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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