Chapter 337 There is no turning back arrow in the bow (see monthly ticket for full order)

“Director Zhai, you can figure it out clearly. There is no turning back when you open the bow. Once this is done, there is no room for turning back.

However, she didn’t seem to realize what dangerous situation she was in, and she still had a calm smile on her face.

When Zhai Benben heard the words, he looked up and laughed like he heard the funniest joke in the world, “You threatened me, haha, you actually threatened me. You really don’t know that the sky is so great!”

With that said, Zhai Benben looked even more horrible, and urged the security guards: “You still don’t teach me this kid!’

At this moment, a man’s voice came from the direction of the alley: “Ben Ben Ben Ben, the name your father gave you is really appropriate, you are really amazing!”

Everyone subconsciously followed the prestige, but saw a handsome man in a suit, in his forties, with a square face and well-defined features. While talking in a ridiculous tone, he came to this side with a smile.

Everyone present, no one didn’t know this person, because he was one of the four heavenly kings, Zeng Lianshun, who was famous throughout the world.

Everyone changed their expressions when they saw the appearance of this super star.

Zhai Benben didn’t have the arrogance that he had just now. He nodded and bowed to Zeng Lianshun and said, “Heavenly King, why did you come here early? Didn’t your play start at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, “?”

Zeng Lianshun only smiled, and did not answer Zhai Benben’s words. Instead, he asked, “Niu Niu, what’s the matter, it’s worth your anger, and you want to kill others?

Zhai Benben didn’t hear anything in Zeng Lianshun’s words. Seeing Zeng Lianshun took the initiative to ask him, he glanced at Huo Ran with some pride, and his eyes seemed to say, “See you, the king is here, so scared, there is a king who comes forward and sees. Why are you dying!”

Obviously Zhai Benben is also very experienced in this kind of thing. Between one or two eye movements, he figured out the words to deal with, and pointed to Huo Ran.

Said to Zeng Lianshun: “This kid is the handyman of the broken crew next door. He came to our crew to steal something and was discovered by me. As a result, he hit me with a brick. I still have a swollen bag on my head! Of course I am angry. I’m going to teach him!”

Well, the compilation is also very reasonable.

“It’s not like that, King Zeng Tian, ​​in fact,” Lin Qinyao was also anxious when Zhai Benbenyan was talking nonsense, and she was about to argue quickly.

But after all, she had never experienced anything like this before, and she was choked with emotion, so she was stupefied to explain, and she couldn’t say a complete sentence for a long time.

It was also because of her that she gave Zhai Bendu a chance. Zhai Benben gave Lin Qinyao an extremely proud smile from an angle that Zeng Lianshun could not see.

Immediately continue to say to Zeng Lianshun: “,”Zeng Tianwang, as the saying goes, this little handyman alone cannot easily steal things from our heavily guarded crew, and this little handyman’s internal response is this Lin Qinyao! ”

But what made Zhai Benben never expected was that after Zeng Lianshun heard his words, he shook his head slightly: “According to (Li’s) I think this is a misunderstanding, isn’t it, Xiao Fan?”

“How can this be a mistake… Zhai Benben was about to speak, but his eyes widened before he could say it, Xiaohuo?

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