Chapter 338 Internet TV series (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“Uncle Zeng, I thought it was a misunderstanding, but you heard it just now. There is a way back, he won’t go!

Zhan Ran could hear that Zeng Lianshun wanted to “turn the big thing into a small thing”. Logically speaking, Huo Ran thought you should give Zeng Lianshun this face.

But the clay figurines also have a three-point temper. Huo Ran was really poisoned by Cheng Du today. This scumbag was provoked, so he didn’t plan to let it go.

“Then what do you want to do?” Zeng Lianshun frowned slightly, and immediately unfolded, still with a pleasant appearance.

“I won’t make Uncle Zeng embarrassed.” Huo Ran smiled, walked around Zeng Lianshun, and took out a cell phone from the bush where the tiles had been removed.

“Have you all recorded it?” Lin 543 Qinyao was dumbfounded.

Huo Ran blinked at Lin Qinyao: “From the beginning to the end, everything is recorded.”

After all, Huo Ran said to Zeng Lian: “My way of handling this is to hand this to the police. Isn’t it embarrassing for you?”

Hearing this, Zeng Lianshun nodded, and immediately rushed to Zhai Ben with a helpless expression, saying: “I can’t help you with this matter. The law is more than affection.

Looking at Zhai Benben at this time, there was no arrogance anymore, the villain looked aspiring, and his face had already turned pale.

Zeng Lianshun called the kid “Xiao Huo.”

The boy called Zeng Lian (bcbh) Shun as “Uncle Zeng”.

No matter how stupid he is, it is impossible not to hear the extraordinary relationship between the two.

But, who is this kid, and why is he so familiar with King Zeng Tian?

Soon, the question in his mind was answered.

“Brother Yu, here.” Two or three minutes later, Huo Ran beckoned to the alley.

The next moment, a young man came with two policemen.

Brother Yu and Zhai Benben have also seen him, and they are the hosts when the two crews start up.

The two policemen, he also knew, were police officers from the branch of the film and television base.

After the two policemen handcuffed Zhai Benben, Zhai Benben faintly heard that Brother Yu said to Huo Ran: “Why are you running around? You are the producer of these two crews. The two directors also said that taking advantage of noon, Let you review the content shot in the morning.

After the police car escorting Zhai Benben drove away, Huo Ran smiled and said to his brother: “This is not Uncle Zeng who promised a cameo. Am I a little impatient to pick him up in advance?”

Having said that, Huo Ran looked at Zeng Lianshun apologetically: “Uncle Zeng, sorry, the matter just now embarrassed you.”

After hearing this, Zeng Lianshun smiled relaxedly: “Hey, my embarrassment just now came from the performance. In fact, I have to thank you for helping me a lot.”

“Don’t mention the Cuju field. We don’t need it. If you need it, it’s not a big deal.” Huo Ran said wrongly.

Zeng Lianshun shook his head, “It’s not that, I mean Zhai Ben.”

“Huh?” Huo Ran heard this, somewhat inexplicable.

“That kid, his grandfather is the old leader of the Magic City Film Studio. Thirty years ago, I just debuted that club. Xiangjiang Films need to vote in the mainland movie circle to enter the mainland. His grandfather decided me because of a crucial vote. The debut of the film can be released in the mainland, so I have been thinking about this old love.”

Having said that, Zeng Lianshun shook his head and smiled bitterly: “But I think the last thing I regret doing in my life is to read his grandfather’s old feelings, agree to him to join the crew, and become a nonchalant deputy director.

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