Chapter 347 Implant ads (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

As mentioned in the previous article, the reason why Huo Ran and Yu Ge assumed the previous posture was to gain the initiative in this negotiation.

However, Huang Shan put his posture very low at the beginning of the game, and he showed great sincerity. On the contrary, it made Huo Ran and Yu Ge a little unexpected and at a loss.

The two of them subconsciously looked at each other, and found that they were also looking at themselves with big eyes and small eyes, and then they turned their gazes back in embarrassment.

With a dry cough, Huo Ran turned his gaze to Huangshan again: “We have all felt the sincerity of Manager Huang. Now, let Manager Huang talk about your original implantation plan.

Hearing what Huo Ran said, Huang Shan immediately brightened his eyes and came to the spirit, saying: “300,000, before the start of the film, add our company’s Iogo, usually 1-3 seconds. The end of the film, special thanks, 0.3-1 second, we The name of the company.”

However, the spirit and enthusiasm that Huangshan had just given birth to, in the next moment, was wiped out by a single sentence, or three words, by Huo Ran.

“Inappropriate.” Just listen to Huo Ran.

“Inappropriate? Where is it?” Huang Shan asked subconsciously.

“It doesn’t fit anywhere,”.

Huo Ran said, without waiting for Huangshan to ask further, he motioned to Brother Yu to open the briefcase and took out a piece of A4 paper full of Chinese characters: “Before you came, I did some understanding of your company. This is my plan. Conception, you look at it first, and then talk about other things after reading it.”

Although Huang Shan was full of doubts at this time, he still accepted the information handed over by Brother Yu.

There are not many texts on the materials, only three or four hundred words, and the content is not detailed. It is a rough idea.

In Huangshan, which one does not have the ability to “one eye and ten lines”? Kung Fu, which took only ten seconds, can read the content on the paper.

But after reading and reading, Huang Shan’s expression at this time is particularly wonderful, is it surprise? Surprise? Or shock? Or all three?

“Is this all right?” Huang Shan swallowed the saliva in his mouth and asked.

“I said yes, naturally.” Huo Ran hooked the corner of his mouth and replied.

Huang Shan nodded silently. Yes, the other party is the producer or investor of this online movie. It is not the only person who has the final say.

Thinking of this, Huang Shan’s heart relaxed again.

But Huo Ran, it seemed that he was deliberately teasing him, the conversation turned around, and Huang Shan’s heart tightened again.

I saw that Huo Ran still had the same smile on his face, and said to Huang Shan, “Manager Huang, don’t be so happy. I just said that the price is not right.”

Sure enough, Huang Shan’s smile froze on his face again after hearing this.

Immediately, Huang Shan uttered a hard cry: “300,000 is already the maximum price given by our company.”

“Your 300,000 is for the kind of marketing plan you just had.”

Huo Ran stretched out his right hand and tapped his finger on the piece of A4 paper: “. “And my plan is more than 300,000, right?”

“This” Huang Shan was speechless. When it comes to advertising effects, Huo Ran’s 300-character plan is indeed more than ten times higher than his own.

“The 300,000 yuan is spent for nothing, but the money is still used on the blade. I believe that the responsible company will definitely choose the latter.” Huo Ran said again.

“Well, Li produced, you make a price so that I can apply to the company.” Huang Shan nodded.

Huo Ran laughed again.

I don’t know why, every time Huangshan sees Huo Ran’s smile like this (Li Ma Zhao), he feels a chill in his back.

“I don’t know if Manager Huang knows a lot about the customer groups of some of your company’s main products, do you know the age group ratio, it is not convenient to tell me something?” Just listen to Huo Ran’s question.

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