Chapter 348 It’s nice to have money (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Huang Shan thought for a while and nodded: “I will not be clear about the specifics here for a while, but the overall big data is not a secret. We have divided the age ratio into four levels. Last year’s ratio was about 17:44:21. Than 18.”

I nodded suddenly, turned the A4 paper over, and took out a signature pen from my jacket pocket.

While I was calculating something, I said: “That’s quite interesting. I always thought that the main users of your company’s products are middle-aged and elderly people.”

“In fact, this is a cognitive misunderstanding that most people will have.

“In fact, if there is no idea, there will be no need to buy 547. In addition, the actual purchase is very embarrassing, and the ratio of 21 is already considered our brand effect.”

“In recent years, online shopping has developed, and young people have become our main group due to many factors.

Kairan still wrote something, and said with a smile: “So when your company is looking at us, it is also the target audience of our online movie, and it happens to be a group of young people with entertaining spirits between the ages of 17 and 35. ”

Huang Shan nodded, and the next moment he realized that Huo Ran was burying his head in writing and couldn’t see his actions, so he also made a (bcbh) “um” in his mouth.

“From the knowledge of Manager Huang, how many people in this older age group are interested in such products? I am not only talking about your brand, but the entire market, not only health products, but also toys. “Huo Ran asked.

Huang Shan didn’t understand what Huo Ran asked about again, but he thought about it seriously and replied, “I haven’t done specific market research for this, but as far as I’ve estimated, how can I say that one out of fifty has bought this. s things.”

“Of course, there are mostly toys, so our company has also produced toys since last year.

“Understood.” Huo Ran made an ok gesture.

Then he said, since I haven’t done any investigation, I will simply give in a little bit more, it is one in a hundred people. “Huo Ran said to himself.

Huang Shan heard this and his eyebrows twitched again.Couldn’t Huo Ran want to build a manufacturer like the leading manufacturer, so let’s put his own words?

But these things can be done by market research, and there is no need to spend so much time and effort.

At this moment, I only heard Huo Ran say: “It’s done.

Then Huo Ran handed the A4 paper to Huangshan again, but this time, the A4 paper was facing up.

“This is.” Looking at the numbers above, it seems that there are several numerical formulas, and Huang Shan is even more puzzled.

“I learn a little, and the math is not very good, so I used the most primitive method to calculate.”

Huo Ran smiled a little embarrassedly and explained: “I made an assumption. Among the 100 people watching our movie, one person is interested in a market product.

“Also suppose, out of a hundred people interested in products in this market, one person will become a user of your company.”

“Of course, this assumption should be far lower than the true ratio in reality. The reason why I set the ratio so low is not because I have no confidence in the responsible company, but because of respect for your company’s interests.”

Hearing what Huo Ran said, Huang Shan was even more puzzled: “Huo Production can explain briefly, does this have anything to do with your company’s cooperation?”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!,

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