Chapter 349 Implant ads (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

As if worried that his tone was a little irritable, Huang Shan added: “I’ll be sure as soon as possible so that I can report to the company.”

“In short, if we sign a contract, we don’t need money in the initial stage, and we will implement the plan you just saw in detail.

Huo Ran is really shocking and endless. He doesn’t explain it. It’s okay. Once he explains, it makes Huangshan more confused. Isn’t it still 300,000 just out of place? Isn’t it too small?

“My idea is that we are divided.

Huo Ran seemed to see Huangshan’s doubts and said: “According to the formula I calculated just now, for 100 broadcasts, your company will pay me one yuan of China currency.”

This time, not only Huang Shan was dumbfounded, but even Brother Yu suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Huang Shan’s eyes lit up: “This is true.

“Really, the contract is bound by law.” Huo Ran nodded and smiled slightly.

Huangshan doesn’t care if Huo Ran is confused or not, as if he is afraid that Huo Ran will suddenly “wake up” and regret it.

Seeing Huo Ran nodded, he trot out of the private room.

“Are you crazy?” Brother Yu lowered his voice, “One yuan for one hundred broadcasts, one million to one hundred yuan, and the electricity and bills can’t be returned.”

Dian Ran smiled and raised his eyebrows: “Brother Yu, do you think we only have one million views?”

Brother Yu was asked by Huo Ran for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: “It’s not that I underestimated you. At present, the quality of online movies is generally low, and the highest playback volume is more than 12 million.

“It’s still a thousand years old. This year’s online movies have generally been broadcasted in the amount of one million to two million.”

When Zhiran heard the words, he couldn’t help but grinned: “Brother Yu, I know all of this, I didn’t travel from another world.”

When Yu Ge heard this, he was not amused by Huo Ran’s words. He cast a slightly complaining look at Huo Ran, and then said, “I know how you are still selling at this price.”

When asked by Brother Yu, Huo Ran really didn’t know how to answer, so he patted Brother Yu on the shoulder: “Don’t worry, Brother Yu, I know it in my heart.”

Seeing that Huo Ran was like this, Brother Yu had nothing to do. Forget it, the money belongs to others, and the movies belong to them. People can play whatever they want. Kong Jing can’t persuade him, what else can I insist on?

Then, Yu Ge let out another sigh in his heart: “It’s nice to have money.

…Please ask for flowers………

Huo Ran put forward such “favorable” cooperation conditions, and the leading company naturally had no reason to refuse. In fact, not long after Huangshan went out, he returned with joy and confirmed the cooperation with Huo Ran.

After discussing the content of the contract in detail, the two parties printed the contract in duplicate at the hotel staff. Huo Ran and Huang Shan each signed their names on it.

The next day, before the online film crew opened, a small truck stopped outside the entrance of the theater.

When the crew of the crew entered, they couldn’t help but glance curiously.

“It’s so early!” Huo Ran walked out of the crew and said to the truck driver with a smile.

“Yeah. The boss specifically ordered it, the sooner the better.”

The truck driver nodded, took out a large box from the cargo box, and said to Huo Ran, “Mr. Huo, these are all things you asked for from our company yesterday. Would you like to tap it?”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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