Chapter 352 Kong Jing likes Mary Su (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

What’s running around?

Naturally, it is about the Huo Ran online movie being shown.

Although Huo Ran has long said that he has done a good job of free online movies, but Kong Jing is such a character. If you don’t consider all the possibilities of things, she will definitely not be willing to try it. , Not to mention, it was for Huo Ran’s business.

“Sorry, sister, I’m late.” Huo Ran came to Kong Jing’s side and said.

After all, this Benma video network is Kong Jing’s last hope. Although it is only a third-line video website, the person in charge is Kong Jing, a senior who has a good relationship when he was a trainee. The reason why he called himself together, Kong Jing said, is also Show enough respect for the other party.

However, after Huo Ran said these words, the whole person was stunned, because he found that Kong Jing’s eyes were red and she kept wiping tears with a tissue.

“Sister, have you talked about it? Rejected? It’s okay.” Huo Ran comforted.

Kong Jing shook her head.

“Is that because I’m late? Sorry, there is really a traffic jam on the road, and it won’t happen next time.” Huo Ran apologized again.

Kong Jing still shook her head.

“Then what are you crying? Has something happened at home?” Huo Ran asked tentatively.

“No!” Kong Jing choked up her head like a little girl, and looked at the wall-mounted Gui TV not far away. A movie was playing on the TV.

“It’s not an instant to love you?” Huo Ran asked tentatively.

On the way here, Huo Ran also did his homework. The reason why this Benma video network was just launched this year.

It was able to be a little famous in the industry because after it was officially launched, the online movie “Love You Isn’t Instant” was launched immediately.

The story is about an overbearing president who was involved in a car accident in order to save the ugly duckling heroine. His brain was hit hard and he could only keep a day’s memory.

In order to repay the favor, the female lead accompanies the male lead every day, and uses different ways to make the male lead fall in love at first sight.

However, when the overbearing president finally recovered from the brain injury, the heroine was nowhere to be found. Finally, I learned from the heroine’s friends that the heroine had already suffered from a terminal illness. In order not to make the hero sad, he found the heroine After showing signs of recovery, I went abroad quietly.

How can the male lead let go of the female lead? After all, the female lead gave the male lead the love at first sight once a day, which is kept in the memory of the male lead

This movie, just by looking at the introduction, made Huo Ran goosebumps all over his body. The acting skills of the male and female protagonists are also called “staring pie” by netizens, and the ratings of major scoring websites are not high.

However, the investment in this online movie is not low at all. After all, the male protagonist is the popular little fresh meat Feng Chongchong, and the female protagonist is also quite famous in the circle.” “Variety actress” An Baobao.

Not to mention supporting roles, they are all small traffic in the circle.

Moreover, no matter how you look at this movie from any angle, it is absolutely copied on the scale of a traditional movie.

Such a scale has caused it to rely solely on these small fresh meat’s own fans, so that this online movie with only more than 2.5 million views has produced (Li Li’s) with a pay rate of 99.87%.

While creating tens of millions of profits and creating a miracle in the online movie circle, it also helped Benma Pictures quickly establish its position in the circle.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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