Chapter 353 It’s time to wake up from the dream

Closer to home, after hearing Huo Ran’s question, Kong Jing bit her lower lip, choked and said, “Well, the hero is so miserable, the heroine is so miserable, why are they so pitiful?

“” Huo Ran suddenly didn’t know what to say, after all, he didn’t have a cold with such kind of bloody films, and never thought that Kong Jing would like to watch such films.

After thinking about it, Huo Ran said, “Actually, the costume network drama I’m filming is also very similar to Mary Su. Would you like to make a cameo?”

“Cut, don’t.

Kong Jing didn’t lose her reason: “Your sister, I, shouldn’t be the one who was tortured by cruel love and was willing to sacrifice herself for each other. That kind of let all men in the world surrender 550 under the pomegranate skirt of the heroine, and the heroine only smells the fragrance of flowers. The lonely plot of the world suits me.”

Huo Ran couldn’t help but laughed when he heard the words, and then said, “Sister, it’s time to wake up from the dream.”

Kong Jingjing, who was immersed in her own beautiful fantasy, suddenly woke up and glared at Huo Ran: “Yes, the appointment time is up, let’s go up and negotiate. In a while, you listen more, remember to talk less, remember?”

“Yeah.” Huo Ran followed Kong Jing who got up and walked towards the elevator, and still asked with some worry: “Sister, to be honest, how confident are you about taking down the galloping horse?”

Kong Jing smiled triumphantly and sighed. Huo Ran glanced at: “You kid questioned me?”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.”” Huo Ran smiled and said, “How dare I question you. ”

Kong Jing giggled when she heard the words, and her expression became more confident.

However, only ten minutes later, the two of them walked out of the elevator again.

The expression of restraint seemed to be as indifferently as usual, but Kong Jing was different, her face was full of very unhappy gloomy expressions.

“Sister, there’s nothing to be angry about. We were rejected once or twice.” Huo Ran persuaded, unscrewed a bottle of tea, and handed it to Kong Jing.

“Don’t drink, don’t be thirsty!” Kong Jing said angrily: “She is different from others. I used to be Sister Qi. Sister Qi called her. It’s not too good to mention.

“Relationship belongs to relationship, business belongs to business, and peace makes money.” Huo Ran continued to persuade, “Besides, it is very polite to talk about others, and it does not (bcbh) expressly want to reject us.”

Kong Jing heard the words, stopped, turned around, and said to Huo Ran in a tone of “sorrowful and angry”: “Are you really stupid or a fake stupid, do you believe she just said something? ”

As he said, he stretched out his right hand, intending to tap Huo Ran’s forehead with his finger.

She has been well-nourished in the past year and she has gained a little height. Even if Kong Jing is now wearing high heels, she wants to point Huo Ran’s forehead with her finger as she did last year. It is not that easy. At least she has to stretch her arms straight.

Seeing Kong Jing struggling to nod her forehead, Huo Ran suddenly felt that Kong Jing was a little cute and couldn’t help but laugh.

“You still laugh, bend down, let me click!” Kong Jing gave the order slightly annoyed.

“Good, good, as long as you are happy.” Huo Ran really bowed down and let Kong Jing push his forehead with his finger.

Kong Jing clapped her hands with satisfaction, as if she had forgotten the unpleasantness just now, and said, “It’s almost the same, it’s heartless.” After finishing speaking, she shook her hands and turned and walked towards the parking lot.

Seeing Kong Jing’s back, Huo Ran smiled bitterly and shook his head.In fact, how could he be as heartless as Kong Jing said?

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