Chapter 379 Four beautiful melon seeds (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“In this movie, what impressed them the most, apart from all kinds of socialist brotherhood, is the’four beautiful melon seeds’.”

“Why is Simei so popular? Isn’t it that they always eat melon seeds? So our company is more suitable for the implantation of this drama.”

Hearing the quarrel in the courtyard became more and more intense, Brother Yu stepped on his feet anxiously and was about to pull Huo Ran in.

However, this tugging did not twitch. Brother Yu turned his head in amazement. Huo Ran smiled and shook his head at him: “You go in and persuade me to fight, I’ll make a call.

Brother Yu wanted to say something more. Seeing Huo Ran’s confident appearance, he couldn’t help letting go, turned and walked towards the courtyard by himself.

After all, I have been working as a colleague for so long, and Brother Yu has gradually learned more about Huo Ran.

Although Huo Ran usually looks frizzy and unreliable, Huo Ran hasn’t done anything extraordinary since he met him.

After Brother Yu entered the courtyard, Huo Ran took out his mobile phone, directly found a number in his frequent contacts, and dialed it out.

It is Kong Jing’s number.

“Hey, what’s the matter?”

The phone was quickly connected, and Kong Jing’s extremely lazy voice was heard on the other end of the phone. This tone seemed to say, “Something starts to play, nothing-nothing to retreat.”

Zhiran knew that Kong Jing didn’t like to be circumspect, so instead of circling around, she said straightforwardly: “Sister, do you know the person at station D? I mean the manager.”

“I didn’t know it before.”

Kong Jing said: “But in the past two days, I met a content officer for a self-made column. I said he came for “The Promoted Concubine” and couldn’t contact you, so I wanted to ask me if there is any follow-up to this movie. They want to buy it at station D.”

Hearing what Kong Jing said, Huo Ran’s expression moved slightly and asked, “Sister, how did you answer?”

It seems that after hearing the question in Huo Ran’s words, Kong Jing was slightly upset: “Don’t worry, since I didn’t find you because of this, I knew what you thought, so I didn’t agree with them.”

Huo Ran heard the words and nodded subconsciously in relief.

Station D wants to buy the copyright of “The Promoted Concubine”, which may be a good thing in the eyes of outsiders, but for Huo Ran, it is the opposite.

After all, selling copyright means that this online movie under the banner of “private self-made” is going to be formal, and that means subsequent series of works.

…Please ask for flowers………

Even this first movie has to face an extremely lengthy review for Huo Ran or the entire Jingxiang Entertainment, which completely contradicts the original intention of Huo Ran to launch this movie.

Kong Jing naturally couldn’t see Huo Ran’s head nodding. Seeing Huo Ran fell into silence, she couldn’t help asking: “Then what are you looking for at station D?”

“Three advertisers came to me and wanted to place ads. I wondered if I could do ordinary waiting ads.” Huo Ran asked.

“Oh, it’s the one who sells slippers, the one who sells melon seeds and the one who sells herbal beauty, right?” Kong Jing asked.

Huo Ran was a little surprised: “”You know?”


Kong Jing seemed to know what Huo Ran was thinking, and said with a smile: “In fact, there were more than three of them, but based on sincerity and brand products, they made a selection. In the end, these three were selected.”

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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