Chapter 380 You know (see monthly ticket for full order)

Speaking of this, Kong Jing paused: “However, if you do wait-page ads, don’t even think about it. The main feature of station D is no ads. You should know this better than me.”

“The advertisements they receive are all placed in the advertisement classification.

“The reason why I let the three of them go over was that you originally wanted you to guide them to find the original crew to shoot funny commercials similar to the first ending Easter eggs, and then make the eggs for the follow-up works.” “Five Seven Zero”

Huo Ran did not ask Kong Jing for the contact information of the D station management staff.

He changed his mind and didn’t intend to contact Station D for this matter. He didn’t want to let the launch of new advertisements become a bargaining chip for Station D to negotiate with himself.

Advertising, of course, still has to be accepted, after all, people took the initiative to find the door, and these three products are indeed more suitable for their own online movie than the leading products.

But how to do advertising, Lei Ran has completely different ideas from those three advertisers.

Entering the small courtyard again, it was true that Brother Yu was sitting, and the negotiators of the three brands had a lot of temper, but the smell of gunpowder from the three did not dissipate much, but the fierce verbal confrontation turned into a confrontation on the eyes.

Three middle-aged people, big and small, sitting on chairs in different directions, staring at them with big eyes. This kind of picture looks a little funny in Huo Ran’s eyes.

The three negotiators plus one brother Yu heard Huo Ran’s footsteps, and couldn’t help turning their heads, and when they saw that it was Huo Ran, they all got up.

Although on the way here, Brother Yu had already told Huo Ran about the general situation of the three who came, but the superficial work is sometimes done.

Therefore, Brother Yu came to Huo Ran very conscientiously and introduced the three to Huo Ran: “Huo Ran, these three are the leaders of similar brands in China.”

“This is President Bai who treats melon seeds, this is President Luo from Huibian Shoes, and this is President Yu from Yu Nifang Herbal Beauty.

Every time Brother Yu introduces a person, that person bows slightly to Huo Ran, which shows that the three people respect Huo Ran.

Zhiran also bowed in response to the three of them, but after the response, he said this sentence: “I understand the three people’s intentions.”

“However, there are indeed three films in total, but all three have been completed. It is impossible to remake a certain scene to embed your advertisement.”

Even if the three of them were blowing their beards and staring at each other just now, they had to be watched by Brother Yu and persuaded that they would not move hands with each other, but at this moment, after hearing Huo Ran say such a firm sentence, they still subconsciously looked at each other. ..

When talking to Kong Jing, the three of them all indicated that they only need the easter egg advertisement at the end of the film.

But in fact, they never had any illusions in their minds. As long as the price is right, Huo Ran insists on implanting his own products in subsequent works.

After all, they can see the profits of leading companies clearly and plainly.

But what Huo Ran said like this was tantamount to completely shattering their illusions.

But speaking of it, the three of them are old fried dough sticks in the mixed business district after all.

After only a brief silence, Mr. Luo from Huidao Shoes Industry said with a smile: “Hi. You misunderstood, we just want to win the 1.7 end egg advertisement.”

But the next moment, Huo Ran’s words were like a basin of cold water splashed down on his head.

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