Chapter 388 What kind of fairy combination is this (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

“But don’t forget that the imitation show was so miserable by Zeng Tianwang and several celebrities who were imitated. Huo Ran shouldn’t go against the wind.”

“I just asked my mother to confirm it, and my mother said it was true.

“That’s not necessarily true. Plastic surgery techniques these years are much better than previous years.”

“That’s right, Zeng Tianwang is famous for picking the script. Although this drama is quite interesting, the road is too wild.

“Yes, it is said that Zeng Tianwang has rejected the script of the director of Hollywood several times. How could it be possible to play the third part of “The Promoted Concubine”?”

Just when these people paused the picture and faced Bi Zeng Lianshun’s photos, and when people had different opinions, Zeng Lianshun posted a 573 Weibo: “Huo Ran is a very good and thoughtful young man. He is also very simple and can interact with him. Cooperation is actually a very happy thing.”

“Of course, he is really poor. I am so poor that I don’t even have the nerve to ask for performance fees. I am ignorant, and today I learned that he is also good at writing songs. Then @ Huo Ran, write me a song?”

At the end of the text, there is also a “dog head” emoticon, which means “funny”.

In fact, Zeng Lianshun’s Weibo is not part of Huo Ran’s calculations. In Huo Ran’s view, a “big wrist” like Zeng Lianshun is enough to show his face.

But I have to admit that the acknowledgment (bcbh) film released by Zeng Lianshun is exactly his own Weibo, but it is just right. Rattle.

Zhiran also replied to this Weibo in a timely manner: “Uncle Zeng wants it, and I will naturally give it.”

At this moment, the entire Weibo is on the right side.

You know, in the history of Weibo, there have been only two downtimes.

Once, the popular little fresh meat announced his love affair.

Once, the popular Xiaohuadan announced her marriage.

After these two downtime accidents, the CEO of Weibo also praised Haikou, saying with a smile that Weibo had changed its previous mistakes after the previous two downtime accidents, and decided to upgrade the server to allow five stars with more than tens of millions of traffic. Derail at the same time.

“Oh my god, my god, my god.”

result …

“What kind of fairy combination!

“Uncle Zeng? Is there a story in this?!”

“No, just for Zeng Tianwang, I also want to give people who have never watched this series of movies.”

Those fans who originally questioned whether the characters in the film were the real Zeng Tianwang were completely convinced at this moment. They simply stopped discussing the matter, but pressed the play button again.

In fact, Zeng Lianshun also played for two or three minutes in total, which made many people in the film and television circle realize that they were deeply relieved.

However, they did not give up the research because Zeng Lianshun was just a friendly guest appearance in the series of movies like “The Promoting Concubine”.

There is even one more topic, which is the study of Huo Ran.

Being able to become a year-end friendship with King Zeng Tian, ​​this Huo Ran, what virtue is there?

No matter how these people in the film and television circles study it, they can’t stop the success of “Da Zi Fei Promotion Plan”.

Under the influence of the two trump cards, “The Big Tzu Concubine’s Promotion Plan” has completed three episodes in total, breaking through the one billion miracle.

Even Station D has taken a big advantage. Through the “Early Concubine Promotion Plan”, the number of registered users has doubled again and has exceeded the 200 million mark.

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