Chapter 389 Unprecedented (seeking monthly ticket for full order)

If it is said that the number of broadcasts does not fully prove the success of this series of movies.

So, what should almost the entire Internet say about the topic of “The Promotion Plan of the Da Zifei”? Originally this year’s summer topic was to be occupied by dozens of excellent films from the traditional film industry. But now, the movie audience in China seems to have only one topic, which can never be separated from “The Promotion Plan of Da Zi Fei”.


Yes, at this time, it seems that this idiom can only be used to describe “The Plan for the Promotion of Da Zi Fei”, which is the most appropriate.

Not to mention, this time, not only in China, the movie circle is shaking. Even many other countries, well-known entertainment companies and filmmakers all over the world have set their sights on China.

According to the research, is the success of this network movie accidental, or there may be something to learn from.

Who can think of it before? Huo Yifan, interbank. Virgo with low investment. Can achieve such a brilliant success.

This is simply a miracle.

And this miracle, to a certain extent, breaks the inherent rules of the industry-whose series of films are all released within ten days ~ three movies have been completed.

But this is the case in the film and television industry. You have a passion, you have a topic, and you are a father. No matter how hard we feel-we can only endure it.

There is an ancient idiom saying, “Extreme happiness produces sorrow”, which means: “When a person is extremely happy, something sad happens to him.”

On the day when “Early Princess Promotion Plan” was released, the total broadcast volume of the first part just exceeded 500 million, not long after.

An unexpected thing happened to all movie lovers in China. They were surprised to find that in only a moment, the entire website of Station D could not search the video of the series of online movies like “The Promise of Da Zi Fei”. Most of them can only find some wonderful clips edited by fans according to their own preferences.

And if you clicked in the links of the “Big Concubine Promotion Plan” that were exchanged on the original social software, the video was also not found, but the white interface, black font error prompts-I’m sorry, you need to watch The video does not exist.

Among the movie fans, those old users of station D, seeing such a prompt, suddenly slammed in their hearts, they naturally guessed what happened, and the “Big Concubine Promotion Plan” was removed from the shelves. NS.

The system is not like movie fans. It was the first time to find out about it, but it was not too late.

…For flowers…

The movie was taken off the shelves at nine o’clock in the evening, and Huo Ran just took a shower at nine o’clock in the evening and lay in bed leisurely. After taking out his mobile phone and habitually opening WeChat, he found that many people were chatting about themselves privately. , I opened the window and found that they all said that the video was taken off the shelves and asked him what was going on.

Those who asked these words were mostly Huo Yifan’s classmates in Bei Opera. Most of their inquiries are also out of sincere concern.

After all, even though most of them played roles in “The Promotion Plan of the Elder Concubine”, as early as the day when all the scenes were completed on August 22, Huo Ran paid them all the salary, and then Huo Ran fulfilled the promise. The broadcast bonuses were all paid out yesterday.

“The market value of Station D has risen so much because of your “Promotion Plan for the Concubine,” and you turned off and got you off the shelves. It’s really disgusting.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!

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