Chapter 391 Don’t say goodbye (seeking monthly ticket for full booking)

Brother Yu opened his mouth to ask something, but Kong Jing smiled and slammed his mouth, motioning him to continue looking down.

So, Brother Yu really moved his sight down.

Then, he quickly changed his face completely.

The mouth opened as if it could fit a light bulb.

This is the data of a world-renowned international auction website. The auction is the script and the right to flop the adaptations of the “Big Princess Promotion” series of movies.

The current price, er, or more than ten minutes ago, the price was already called 12.34 million euros.

Seeing Yu Ge’s jaw-dropping expression, Kong Jing showed a satisfied look on her face.

“Surprised, not just you, when I saw those people asking for money like crazy, I was also blinded.”

Kong Jing laughed at herself, and deliberately put on her clothes that were shocked to the point of being overwhelmed: “Not long before this, I also asked Huo Ran to theorize, “Is the “Daddy Concubine Promotion Plan” charged, and the iron is hot,” Earn some real money.”

“As a result, it seems that our eyes are too short-sighted. Who can think of it?”

Kong Jing’s words did not go on, but Yu Ge’s heart automatically completed what Kong Jing wanted to say.

Who would have thought that this free movie that does not rely on fees to profit is still a small cost with an investment of only one million, and it has a revenue of more than one million in just a few days.

This simply subverted Yu’s worldview.

However, because of this, Yu Ge still sighed: “Such a good movie, just like this, was removed from the shelves, but it made me feel even more pity.”

“You have to have reverse thinking. Because of the film and television industry, audiences have a rebellious mentality.”

Kong Jing smiled, recalling and repeating what Huo Ran had said to her: “Sometimes, it is not a bad thing to be taken off the shelves.

Brother Yu was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment, his body suddenly flashed. At that moment, something seemed to flash through his mind, making him suddenly clear for a moment.

“Oh, that kid sent the statement over, too lazy to read it, and published it directly.” At this moment, Kong Jing said suddenly.

So, facing the anxious and concerned inquiries from hundreds of millions of movie fans, Jingxiang Wenyu’s official website and official Weibo also issued the same statement.

Dear fans and friends:

In view of the growing number of enthusiastic media, netizens, and fans and friends who care about the promotion of the eldest concubine, the sincere concern for the promotion of the eldest concubine is hereby issued a statement as follows:

The release of Jingxiang Entertainment’s first large-scale film “The Promotion Plan for the Concubine” has received the attention and recognition of the majority of movie fans. It has set a total of 1.36 billion broadcasts and 780 million finished broadcasts.

While the 1.24 billion Weibo topics have been miraculously recorded, the traditional mode of Internet film production, marketing, release and advertising has been peaked, and has achieved unprecedented success.

At the request of the relevant department, from 21 o’clock on August 28, the “Da Zi Fei Promotion 577” will be offline. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Forge ahead and never forget the original intention. In the future, Jingxiang Entertainment will work hard to create more and more high-quality film and television drama works that will be recognized by the majority of fans and friends.

Be with you all the way, don’t say goodbye.

Jingxiang Entertainment August 28, 2020.

Such a statement is undoubtedly a real deal with “The Promoting Plan of the Dazi Concubine” as a “harmony”.

PS: Ask for full booking, automatic subscription, ask for monthly pass, bow at ninety degrees, thank you very much!.

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