Chapter 392 Face pain (please ask monthly ticket for full order)

Suddenly, there are those who are sad and angry, and those who regret it.

Of course, there are also some sounds of falling into the ground.

“Thunder and thunder films are called bad films. High attention does not mean excellent. Self-slapped marketing is just a high-level hypocrisy.”

“In the past year or two, you have blown Huo Ran too high. This is what kind of shit talent, crying poor, I think the real poor is Huo Ran’s talent.

“Vulgar, blatantly selling rotten, forcibly making fun of it, killing Matt’s style, and chasing after this online movie, can we see the sadness of China’s fans.”

“I don’t have enough acting skills, so I can make up for it. This is the real idea of ​​Huo Ran, the producer of this series of films?

“With all due respect, it’s better for the girl group to sing and dance. Not everyone can be an actor. As for Huo Ran, let’s also sing and dance. Not everyone can be a film and television producer.”


Those who say this, naturally, are those people in China’s film and television circles, some are particularly famous, and some are not so famous, but they all have one thing in common.

As the saying goes, “the wall is down to everyone, “pushing”, these people were so scared that they didn’t dare to make a sound when the “Big Concubine Promotion Plan” was hot, they had to bear it, they had to hold back, they have been waiting for an opportunity .

They originally thought that, in accordance with the trend of the “Da Zi Fei Promotion Plan”, they would have a chance to say this at least at this time next year.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity they dream of would come so quickly.

Although they were a little overwhelmed, they turned the dissatisfaction that had been held in their hearts for many days into “words from the bottom of the heart” at the first time.

Among them, Zhai Benben is the most proud.

This person seemed to be at odds with him from the beginning.

First he was sent to the police station, and then he used a gambling trap to harm him, making him debt-laden, and almost being sent to court by others.

Fortunately, God has eyes

Uh, no, it should be said that it is okay, he is more clever.

In fact, the free video released in the name of “The Da Zifei Promotion Plan” is also in the D station, which has a strong acceptance ability, and the relevant departments generally will not actively intervene.

Unless someone takes the initiative to report to the relevant department.


The person doing this is naturally Zhai Kao.

Zhai Benben not only did this, he also did it perfectly.

If he reported it in his own name, the relevant departments would definitely not control Qin.

After all, he himself is in this circle, and the conflict with Huo Ran can also be found.

And because of the things he ordered Chen Jian to do on the impulse last time, although Chen Jian was finally responsible for it, as long as he is not stupid, he knows that the main envoy is him, so his current reputation in the circle is Quite bad.

The staff of the relevant departments will surely smile after seeing his report.

Knowing this, he then spent money to hire hundreds of parents of students, and jointly reported that the “Elder Concubine’s Promotion Plan” was incorrectly oriented and did not respect history, which allowed his children to learn a lot of bad things. This has aroused the attention and treatment of relevant departments.

Thinking that he had beaten Huo Ran’s arrogance very perfectly, Zhai Duben felt that his mood at this time seemed to be more comfortable than that of his (Li Qian’s) works that won various awards.

Seeing that Huo Ran and “Promotion Plan for the Concubine” have become the object of joint conquests by many people in the domestic circle. With Zhai Benben’s temperament, there is no reason not to step on it.

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